Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 15 Pepeluali 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

. ni* IU AT THE Hawaiian Opera House, SATURDAY EUEN’G, ' February 17tb, BE\EFIT ol' Mr. •♦W. B. ASH fr A Fiist-Cluss Performance and an Iufceresting Prot»ramroe. A HOST 0F VOLUNTEERS. Stage Manager, A. E. Mcrphy PKOGRAMME-Part I. 1—Overture —“Enchantraent,” . Herm:iP ! Full Orchestra. 1 —Wonders —Will Put You All iu Good Homor C. Nester Edison. u 3— Charac.ter Song —“01dFash- ; ioned Lnllaby-Baby,” 1 Litt!e Della Ash. 4— Eecitation-“A Real Scre«m," Mr. A. E. Murphy. 5 — Coruet Solo-“Una, ’.Hartman Mr. Charles Kreuter. 6— 'Tenor Solo—“Operatic Selec - tion’’ 2 Mr. W. H. Hoogs. t 7 — Ve: triloquism “of the high- 1 est.” introd'.ic;ng three merry ’ figures Dr. R. I. Moore. Part II. 8— Song —“Wrecked& Saved,’’ Knowles i Mr. Cuelho, 9 — lnstrninental Dnett— ‘ Rol>- [ ertthe Denl,” Meyerbeer Clari<met: Messrs. Keogh <t Naone. 10— Banjo —“ Something New," Loea! Author Mr. Geo. Ritman. 11— Song—“Will Entertain You a Few Moments,” Mr. Chester A. Doyle. 12— Pieeolo Solo—“S.lver King” B mnesian Mr. L. Bassotti. 13— Vnsic<l Attractions—“Qnite the Rage.” Messrs. Orvlway Ā Heunes»ey. H-Gr ud Finale-‘Simple Simon’ Mr. W. B. Asb. 15 Orchestra '

INTER-ISLANO PILOTAGE. C.vn. WILLIAM DAVIES, r — FOR THE P*st TWELVE Y EARS in rommand of * lnter-L»Und Ste*m«r» > uffen tu» str»;c« a* 11 PIJLOT to ,.xi r port or Un Ung in Uie UawūUn IsUnd4. i i o( reference«, ioqoiK at olEee o( J. 8. W*lker ot«t Spreekei’» bnnk, or s Wkewi BrOx., Fort Stteet. • | (rb 1 4 0.