Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 15 Pepeluali 1894 — BLOODTHIRSTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


But Not In It. He bad a wild look in bis some- ■: what bleared eye. He wi»s a P. G. He was a L ague mau. 1 * He was a bad nian. He terrified tbe refresbrnent — dispenser in tbe Criterion by calling for a drink —a strong driuk —beoause ho had to liek four (41 royaIists. He got the , drink— he also got the royalists. | That is bo got number one. After tbat he rested—or was put to a * rest aud home. The other tbree are waiting yet. Let bim go Gallagher. A Narrow Escape. It is surpr.sing that very Lw serious accide s o.ive been re it ed during the unusually henvy rain-atorm »rhich prevailed duriog l he last we-*c. List night though the elements eame pretty near (>allingfor a human life. AChinese pedier tned to drive his horse aud i carr.age over the W. imaiu stream in Ewa. He was immediately swampcd a.id whiie his h«’rse was drowneii and his carnage wrecked. he succeeded iu a cnost miracub»as manaer to save himself by cl«ugi!ig on to »ome b>.«rda uii th* heieh. Hj was evidently .»n is way to the mass-meeting and a P. G akna '• prevented him fr » n 9W*-l!mg, by one, that already f >raiidable eoncern. Captain Oriftiths reported vesterday.late, that his barometer gave indieations of bad weather the register beiug 29:49. The pilot oflice was telephoned to and gave the information that their barometer was rising and nne weather was snre. The pilot s ! barometer must have been Joaded.