Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 15 Pepeluali 1894 — LATEST NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The turiH' bill will eome up f>r , fiiml cousideratiou aud vote on Fel»ruary. Later telegrams from Kio do not confirm the news that tho I>«triot had fired on the Trajenero. Thero has been u striko ■ amougst the Turkish contingent at the Mid-winter f.«ir. The Cvclorama f Hawaii gets , no pross uotices. Nows oomos from the seat of the Pwiaional Gov-rnmont of the Hrszilinu rebels that they have oaptured several imjortant p iiuts. Admiral Da Oama s nephew was killod iu a lato st>rti at Kio. Chria Kvans h;»s again heeu in- ; tervi w d by a “Bigelow,” Bigelew'e affix to the degree of N. G. in Honolnlu. RevoIuti >n is thr atenrd in the repuhlic <*f C<>lntnbia. Cn*o er, tho boss uf the Tarnmanv is e •mi ig t<» Calif'rnia t» eoa’.eaee wit!> Buckloy. The Majeetic and tbe Cty ol* New York fa ? l-liners on the Atlantic r-iced fmm New Y<>rk to ; LiverpooI. The M <jos : c won in 0 days hours. W t'. Barn»»s sumt ; tivs c»lhd “General” Barues lately made a apeeeh crilicii:ug Pro6ident C!eveland, He has since attempted b> apoligize to Kepublic.ui friends. The }»e*ple pre»ent at the MidwinU r Fair on Jan 31st numl>er<}d 6S32. A many were deadheads.