Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 14 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — THE JAPANESE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


A Mass-meeting Probable i There is a move must among tbe intelligenl Japancse residents ; to eall a mass-meeti; g and discuss what steps it will be pro{<er f >r the Japanese colony to take for the purprse of obl:tining reprtsentation m lbe P. G. g vernmer.t of Hawaii. Tbeimmediate canse for this step whieh may have s< me very ser;oue results f<»r the government is tbe idiotic pieee of scbool-boy work in a!low ing a cert lin {Kililieal organizi tion to hold a sham eleelion and to ■!dictate to tbe g vernment who shall eit in the eouneil and who shall not. —The Japanese are eminently aquiet and tractable people. ; Thty liave heretofore left it for } their own government toobtain the rigbts to whieh Japanese citizens J in Hawaii are entitled and the ■ malter has on aeeounl of the reve1 lulion here so f.ir been kept in abeyance when tbe intelligent and 1 prominent leaders among the Japt anese bere non see that all Jthat is ) ] necessary to obtain representation t is 1 1 form tbemselves intoa polilieal organizstion and from the ros- - ! trara of such a league make suffi3 j cient uoise to be he«rd in the j ; govcrnnient bui!ding and thereby i intimidating our present rulers the f situatioii assunus ad<fferent aspect. , There are abs<dutely no reasons lor ihem to wait lor tbe Japanese g>ivernnient to help them. They I ean do tbat tberaselves and by passing a number of resolutioM8 > and presenting them to the eouneile in a peremptory manner tbey ean gaiu their point. —Tbe Japanese bave not the same causes of i | , gricvance as have tbe Cbinese but it is well understood that tbe two . nations {>ropose to work together ■ and join issues. Wbat the ‘ ei.d will be, nobedy ean foreseejust now, but it looka as if the governiueut will have its hand full before i