Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 14 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WI. DAYE3, RIGGER, 87EVED0RE AND WRECKER. ESTIMATES AXD COVTRACTS OX ALL KINDS OF WORK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI, ■will mn regnli»rly betwwn this j»rt »nd W ,-ualua. Kawail apai, Mokoleia, Keawenui •nd Koiki on the islmd of Oaha. For Freight, etc , apply to the e'apUin. dec 16-tf LEWIS & C0. Wholesale and Retail 6rocers AND PKOVISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICĒ By Every tiau Francisco Steamer. Salt Salmon dī Barbels a Specialty, iii Forl St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 297. CHAS. GIRDLER, Importer and Commū«ion Merchant. 8PECIALTIE8: J. P. Coata’ Maehine Tkread Jonas Brooks’ Maehine Thre*d Barbonr’s Linen Thread Pears’ Soap P. O. Box 358. Mntnal Telephone 358 13 Kaahnmann Street. plaiional Inon Wop^ Qr£ex Stbeet, Between Alakea k Kiehanl Sts. THE UNDEBSIGXED are prep«red to make all kinds of Iron Brasa, Bronae, Zinc, Tin aud Lead Castings. Alao a General Kepair 8hop for Steam Engine», Hiee Milla, Corn Milia, Water Wheela, Wind MtUs, etc. Maehin» lor the Cleaniog of Coffee, Caatut Oila, Keaua, Kamie, Siaai, Piaeapple Leaeea k other Fibton* Plaata, And Paper Stocfc Aleo Maehioea for Eztracting Starch (roa the Manioe, Arrow Boot, etc. AD Orders promptly attend«d 10. AJHITE, RITMAN CO. cemewt and durbing Laid. Estimates given on all kintls of 0tone, Coi|ci ! el8 tfop]^ Co.\cbete a Spkcialtt. JNO. F. BOWLER jaoI7 3m