Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 14 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Advertisemente. A VAST PROJKOT. COISTAFT LINE 0F SCHOOHERS — Ample OppoMU for ALL. Owing to ©ur con.stantly increasing business and the grcat demand of an appreciating community, we have concluded to offer an opprirtunity to all parties having capital. OUR LIN’E OF SCHOONERS may be seen gliding over the Bar, Filled to their Utmost Carrying Capacity, with CLEAR, COOL axd IXVIGORATIXG Fred lxpSrt burg | LA0EE, BEEE Atthe “Anchor Saloon!” T<» accoimnodatc our Vast Fleet of Schooners, we have built a fine large Refrigeraror, regardless of cost. Th.e “iinehoi,” Is tho only plaee whero a Cool Glass of Fredericksburg Boer on draught ean bo had in Honolulu. Step forward Gentlemen uow is the time. NOTICE ! The undersigned has received from the Eastern O States r Plie Lai*p:est Single Ordei* of BILLIARD MATERIAL Ever Ini|X)rted to these Islands. It Concludes as Follows: Cloth, 3 grades; Cues, assorted; Cushions —by Block, patent; Billiard Balls, comj>osition and ivory; Pool Balls, do., do. Tips, Chalk, Pocket Castings, with leather and fringe eompleie; Pocket Xettings, fringe and leather; Rubber Covers, Court Plaster, green aud black; New Style Chalk Holders, Triangles, Shakc Balls and Lcather Bottles, Pool Pins, Markers, etc., etc. The above Goods have been purchased at reduced rat< 8, and the undersigned is now prepared to do any »nd all k11 f BILLIARD TABLE WORK at re&sonable rates with dispatch. Also new and second band B’.IIiard and Pool Tables for Sale. PIease Apply to J. P. BOWEX, Peny Block. Hotel St, Honolulu H- E. B%q IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IX Grroceries, I 3 ixjvisioiis AN'D Feed, EAST CORNER FORT A KISG STS. New Goods Rec’d By erery P&ekei from the £asiem Siaies &nd Europe. Fresh California Produce by every steamer. AIl orders faithfolly ttended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the citj' FREE OF CHARGE. lsland Ordere Solicit«d. Saiisfaotion Goaranteed. Poet ffioe Box No. 145, Telephone No. 92.