Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 14 February 1894 Edition 02 — WELL PLAYED. [ARTICLE]
P. G. s Friends FaU Ont. In response to the eall for a ma*s-meeting of folk>wers of the secret Lc*agne ami the Anneiation clnbs at the Drill she<i aud for the state.I puq>oso of ratifying the nomination of David Bowers Smith as a proper aml acceptable person for position among the wise-acres of the natioo who are now in the Advisory Conncil, there eame together i last evening an incongrooas assemblage of people composed mainly of Portugaese with a sprintliug of members of the Caucasian race, the total number ; being withing three-handred and fifty souls. The ehainnan of the meeting was Mr. F. M. Hatcb, who is understood to have the nomina- : tion as minister of foreign j atfairs in tha Executive Council, j aud who bv virtue of his positiou as vice-president of the Annex ; ation club assumed control of the proceedings. Mr. Hatch stated the purpose for whieh the meet i ing was called, He was followed by a member of the Annexation club who, plae-d tbe name of F. W. McChesuey before the mixed ■ assemblnge for nominaiion. The ■ nomiualiou was seconded but i beforo vote was taken thereon tbe j following resolution \vas read: AVhereas, —The Amenean Leagoe i has nan»ed Mr. 1). B. Smith f- r j this plaee, therefore be it Besolved.—Th.it this mass meet- j ing hereby endorses Mr. D. B Smith for the Advisory Council, aiul shall thr ugli itsSecretary and Presid>*tit su inlomi the Ex*-cutive i iml Advisory Council3. Tbe resolution was now voted j on aiul it was seen that the An- ; uexation club members had takeu a tumble and held their heuds , i and hands down. There was no ! mercy shown by the victors for nfter Smith’s name being placed in nomination Jos. B. Athertou moved that there be no more aud it carried. Mr. 8inith being called on juraped on the table, took a paper from his pucket and read therefrora to the etfect that, in the words of some one or another auuexatiou was sure, and ho appreciiited the honor of about bemg a member of the Oonneil. Mr. James Nott, Jr., who was formerly in the plumbing and tinsmithiug business but bad met with such business reverses that he is now a geutlernan of leisure, ascended the tible, and read: Whereas, —In making changes the mass of the supporters of tbe Provisional Government have had no voice; thereforo be it Besolved, — That this mass meeting of aonexationists and supporters of tbe ProvisionaI Government hereby j>etitioiis the ; Councils to enact a law increas- ! ing tbe memborship <>f the Advi- | sory Council from fourteen to twonty-four. The signal was giveu and heartv yells approved the document. The chair seeraed non-plussed; good anuexationists looked at one another aiul the ligbt seemed to dawn upou them that they were very mueh imraersed in the political consommt as far as any attempt at uominations weut. Vote was bad ou Mv. MeOheanev’s nomination »nd a few staunc’i Auuex»tion Club merabers beld up their hands thas misleading a few Portuguese who fol!oweil suit. The oppositiou to the nomination being called the Loague members nearly all beld up both hands and anoiberof the | Mac’s was doomed to poliliea 1 , ! death. f The cbairman, M . F. M. Haieh. » wilh a lrue s**ns-e <>f or l-r rul**d - that tie resk»luti<)n e u’d n.>t l>* 1 oons:pered by th?s meeliog a? it had beeu cailed for a special purpose only. There was where Mr. Hatch was ih-own in with his oonferes of the annexation cluband before he was aware of it he was * a!so in the soup, another S nith. 1 not R : choaond bit W. G appleal- • i«g from his decision and w »n, the - eomhinalion present deciding » ! agaisnt the chair. The resolution , passed and soon afier, with the i exception of & little di»tturhan« r oa ised by a brick rolling along thf •„ iron roof, the mceting q iietlv - disj>ersed the se»*ret Le.igu • niem v bers excit'iig in their capture o lbe club.