Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 13 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — SKIPPED. [ARTICLE]
Oi • Smith the Less. A nnmber of oor dearly belored friends who worsbip ander i the “spy-tower” of the Central Union Chnrch, are monrning the | loss of do!lars and cents. Thev 1 did not actnaiy put np ihe coined ; representatives of the golden American eagle or tbe silvery I Hawaiian Eing, bnt tbey did : allow him to get lnmber, nails and other materiais with whieh a boase ean be built. Annexation was bis principle, tbe killing of the Queen was bis promise, the paying of bis creditors was his —well never miud. Where, ohl annexation club, is W. H. Smith—the eontraoto»?T