Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 13 February 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
TLe steamer Oeeanie from Yokobama is OTerdue. j . ( Read James Schouler,s article on tbe Hawaiian question. The Chinese New Year ended yesterday. House-wives are happy. I — The fake artists of the Hawaiian Exhibit are putting their mommified hands on the puhlie. The “Paradise of tbe Pacific” f<>r January, will probably, be ont this montb. The go]diers of the P. G. are ‘‘np \ in arms" like a baby, because they don’t gt-t * poached eggs.” 1 | The bark Audrew Weleh, Capt. Drew sailed this afternoon for San Francisco. I Mr. C. B. Beynolds agent of the Board of Henlth has gone on an ollieial visit to the Leper Settlement. — | The Palaeo grounds greenery has been mueh reduced, with consequent benefit to the beautification of the premises. The Scheutzen club had a rousing meeting last eveinng and the roll was added to by the election of many respectable people to membership. The lowest observed temperature during the past year was 56 degrees, iu January. The highest j wus 86 degrees, in September and October. Pleasant weather to-day although the wind is in the wrong quarter for the eoniinuanee of the appreciated blne sky and dry walka. ; And still they eome. Another new dude in towu. O. Knudsen is responsible this time. , The popular Phonograph Par- ' lors. iu Arlington Block, are well , ; patronized. 1,000 airs to select from. George Walter Washington has goue into business as a professer of sparring. fle has pnpila m jail and out of ja.il. I Capt. Griftiths of the bark Albert expresses the opinion that ; lie will make another record on his uext trip from here to San Fraucisco. t f The repeaters at the polls had . a graud opportunity to get in their work last night at the voting r contest held bv the League and ; . | Annexation clubs l The nnpleasi>nt weather last evening prevented the proposed } P. G. band concert at Emma 1 square, The coucert is expected 1 to take plaee this evening. i i Mrs. Renner late of B. F. Ehlers & Co. will not go away as s ex|>ected. but will take the mar nagement of Egan and Gnnu's - dressmaking department. S : Auother Richmoud in the field of politics, another Smith to fight bis brother Smith's. When j Smith joins Smith then goodbye 9 Jones, and Brown , and Robinson 3 The eqnability of the climate ■ of Honolnlu uiay l>e nnderstoo<l when it is stated that duriug the * year of 1892 tbe greatest daily 1 nmge of temperatnre was 20 de- * grees the least boing only 3 3 degrees. s On Saturday evening next the » well-known end-man of the Ho5 nolnlu Minstrels, W. B. Ash, will 3 be tendered a benefit by his assoi ciates. Tbe programme of events 1 will be a ver>' interesting one - from start to finish and the prices will be popular.
Popalar Capt. Char»es ZeĪ£rler has becn recumc;:; i-.*aed bv the I acting Mioister of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Arthur Johnstone the Associated Pres« representative will send away abont 9,000 words by this steamer. i „ ! “Mending onr ways” is the manner in whieh Editor Whitney of the Gazzette coraments on the new and improved sidewalks. . . i Tbe steamer Likelike did not s;\il on her accnstomed ronte last evening on account of unforeseen circnmstances happening whieh prevented. She sailed at 8 o eloek this morning. Miss May Cummins, the danghter of Hon. J. A. Cummins esMinister of Foreign Atfairs, will give a dinner this evening to a ' number of frien»is who were fellow tonrists on her Iato trip to the Volcano. There was an “Oyster contest ’ between literary men today at a | certain resort, where the succulent bivalve isdispensed, bnt a i cunning ham was introduced bv | force and the contest was declared a draw. Evervbodv concerned is dumb, as the proverbial oyster, ; on the matt» r. — Mr. J. Berrv who in former years ; has wintered and snmmered on I Inter-Island stearaer asengineer, has obtained a position on the Claudine as second assistant, and | again gets iuto Laruess. Mr. Berry has been, for severul years past, a resideut of San Fraucisco, J but retnrns with renewed appre- j ciation of the benefits to be obtained in the Paradise of the | I Pacific. I W. S. Luee the popnlar wine 1 merchant is a man of many parts ) aud is always engaged in some of occupation that causes his j brother man to smile. His latest jachievement in fun-making was i as tutor of a diminutive donkey. i 1 His instrnctious to his pnpil j seeraed to ha\e miscarried yester 1 dav afternoou for au attempted nding lesson was bronght to an abrupt ending by the master j being thrown. Master and pnpil ' are yet on good terms.