Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 13 February 1894 Edition 02 — A P. G. Pet. [ARTICLE]

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A P. G. Pet.

The presont temporary government has been very carcful, wo presume iu firing out the wicked royalists. nml puttiug iuto office the raost virtuous aunexationists. Evidently they all shook hands with tbomsolves when Mr. W. O. Sniith, the most loarned Attoruey General, «clected au ardent annexatiouist for the office of deputy-shoriff at Waialua Oahu. that district whieh was always beeu tho pride of Kikila —althoogh they wouldn t vote for him —has beeu blessed bv a fulfledged P. G. man who is deemed qualified to represent the executives in that “hard” district. Last uight though the pet of the awfully leftrued A. G. made au investigation of the “lifo in Honolulu.” It was too red for his eve sight. aud he landed iu the cooler on a charge of drunk and disorderly. Either “Billy” Smith should select his officials with more care or he should alter the laws to suit or he should instruct the |>olice to Ieave bis pets aloue. They aiu't Guinea hens, you know, The steamer Monowai is due here from Sau Francisco on the 15th inst. with news dates to the 7tb. Mr. Leigh Irvin. the multitudinous correspondent, at present here, has an excellent reputation abroad, both as an author and puhlie speaker. A short while before arrival his engagemeut witb the World*s Fair Commissioners inclnded a two hour s descriptive address eaeh eveuing for a number of mouths. His ability aud range of suhjects iuduce the belief that an Honolnlu aodience wouhl be well pleased by listening to a dis«oune from him.