Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 12 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
We will pcblisb tomorrow a most eieelleol article on the Hawaiian i qoesticn by James Schonler and «hieh appeared in the Febrnary nnmbcr of the Forviu. Anybody interegted in tho Hawaiian revo- I lution will y-ernse the article 1 with great advantage. Jsmē-> Schon1er is tbe leading jnrist of the dav in the United States and besides Cooley ondonbtedly the most faraons text writer. A I nnraber of cxtra copies will be pr'ntcd and may be had at tbe Hoi.omca office. It would be interestmg to learn what the P. G. intends to do if the Annexation Clnb shon!d nnminate oneman for the eonneila and the aecret le'guo annther. Whieh of, Ihena h*s the biggest pull? Tiik .4drerOVrneed nnt feel at all alarmed that the royalist paper« ! will howl becaose the annexntion eluh intende to hold a sham election and demand that the eouneile fill the expected by its nommee. It is perfectly immateri al, to the royaIists, who gets 5nto the C**uncil8 or how he gets there. The brief existence whieh the P. G yet enjoyg givee the loyaI citizens vcry lit»le enneem and one or two more arbitrary acts d«>n’t count — nnr do one or two moreshoemakers tinpotmakers or shopkeepers in that beautiful assembly. A correspoxdkxt aeks ns if Guinea fow !s nre “eame” under our laws. We see no reftrences in the law to guinea fowl or guinea pigs but we shoutd sugcest to our c>»rres|H*ndent to shoot some and send us a brace—we shall aoon make “gume” of tbem. In the meanlime the owner of the hens will furnish him with all the “law ,r po:nte that he may desire.