Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 12 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THE Provisioūal Government i OFFICIAL LIST 0F ME.'I BERS AN T D LOCATIOX 0F BDREAU8. Eikcptiti Cocxcil. 5. B. Dole, Pre*i lent of ttie PmeUiona’ Oon-m-ment nf the H*waiian Ulanil*. aa l 3ltuUter of Foreiim AAill. J. A. Kine. Mlni.<ter'>f the lnterior. >. M. Onmon, Ministerof Kinanoe. W. O. Smitb, Attorney-General. Advt50ry Cocscil. «. c. \Vil<ler. Viee-Pre»Ment of the Provl<lonal •īmemmenl of the ilawaiian IsUmls. C. Bolte, Ceei! Brovrn, John Xott. John Kna. J*mes F. Morean Fil. 8 hr. Jos. P. Menilonen. John Emmelnlh, F. D. Tenney, W. F, Allen. Henry W*terhouse, A. Youne. F. M. Hatcb, Ch«s. T. Rodgers, Secretary Ex. and Adv. Conncils. Stpbeme Cocbt. Hon. A. F. Jndd, rhi« f U\sti o*. Hou. R. F. Bic*kerton. Flrst Apsooi*te JiistlC*. ?fon. W. F. Frenr, Seoon«1 As«c>cidtc Ju5tlct*. Henry Smith. Cbief Clerk. Gco. Luc> s. Deputy Clerk. C. F. Peterson,S< <* *ml Pepnty Clerk. J. Walier Jonet», Stenographer. ClHCCIT JlDGES. First Clrcnlt: }J_ F. h (^’|o.hn SecondC’renit: (M*nt) A. N’. Kepoikai. Third»nd Fourth Cireiiits: (Ilawaii) L.Anstin Fifth Circnit: (Kau*i) J. Hardy. OfTioe» and Court-room in Conrt IIonse, Kinp street. Sittinir in Uonolnln—The first Mond»y in l'cbru»ry. May, August and NcvemI ber. Depaktmest of Foeeios Affairs. OfBceln CapitoI Kul!di'’p. KIng street. His Excelleney Sanford B. Do.e, .Olnisterof Foreiirn Affalra. Gco. C. Potter, SeeretTj". W. Hor.ce Wright, Liouel Hart. Clerks. Depaktmestof I>teriobOIEee in Executive Buijding. Ktng streef. His Exeelleney j. A. King. Minister of Interior Chief ClerE, .lohn A. Hsss nger. Asslsta.it Clerks: James H. Kovd. M. K. Keoh< kalole. ■'iephen Mahanln. George C. Ro« E(!wi,rd S. Boyd. BUKEAt’ OF A(iRICULTCBĒ AND F0RE.«TBY. Presfdent: His Exeellener the Minister of Inter!or. Wm. G Irw'in. Allan Herbert. John Ena. J >seph Mar.>den, Commissioner and Secretary. Chiefs or Bureaus, Ixterior Department. Siirveyor-GeneraI. W. D. Alcxander. Supt. Publ c Work*. W. E. Koweli. Snpt. Water Works. Andrew Brown. > Inspector, Eiectric Uehts. John Css*idv. Regl.«trar •■{ C nvevanres. T. (,. Thmra' Ro»d Snpervisnr. H nolulu, W. H Cilmmlig». Ch;ef Engineer Fire Deot., Jas. H. Hnnt. Supt. Insīme Asylnm, Dr. A. jic\tayne. Departmest or Fixanc*. Office, Executive Buildlng, King street, Minister of Einanee, His Excel!enrv S. M. Damon. Auditor-Gener*I, George J. Reas. Registr.,rof AeeonnL». W. G. Ashlev. Clerk of Eiuanee Uffiee. E. A. Melnernv. Colicetor-Gvneral of Custom. J .s. B. Ca»tle. Tax As(Mmt, O,ho, J ms. Sn w Deputy Tax .\ssess-.r. W. C. Weedon. Poslu.a*ter-Gencrtl, J. Mort 0,.t, CU*TOMS Uukeau. Office. Cnstom Honae. Esplanade. Fort »treot. Co.icetor-('.enen(I, J ». B Ca»Me. Depoty-Co .ect-ir F. B. McSt ckcr. Hi rbor-n»»ter, Cat*lain A. Fuller. Port S:irveyor, M. » S, nd *r» Stvrexccj>- r, George C. Stratemever. D*p*etment or ArroitxgT Cesbr*u! Office in Exeentive Bnilding. Klng *treet. Attomev Genoral. W. o. Smitn. Deputy Attomey.Ueu(.TjI, ,. K. W‘;.ler. Cleri, J. M. Kea. Mars ai, E. G. Uitchmck. Cl rk to M-tshaJ, H. M. Dow. Deputy Marsh«l. Arthur ,M. Br wn. Jallor Onhn Pri»on. J. A. Low. Pri»on Phy»ician, Dr. C. B. Co.-per. Bo*RI> OF lMM10RATIOX. Pr ’sident. Hf» Excel]er.cv J. A. King. Meiaber of the B<-isrl of lmmurrali->n: «on. J. B. Atherton. J «s. B. r.,»tie. Hoa. A. S. c>gh rn, J*mcs G. Spcnccr. Mark P. Robin» -o. Secret ry, Wray T»3rk«r. Board or Ukalth. Offiee in gpoord» of Coart Kmiae Bal!ding, corurr of Miiilaoi aod <Jue.-a »treet». Memhen: Dr. Dav. Dr. S*iner. Dr. Asdrew». J. T. WaterbouK Jr.. Joha Ena. Th«o. F. Lan«ng and Anamey .General Smith. Pmkieo l —Hon. W. O Smith. Secret»ry—Cbas. W leoi. Exccutlve 0*cer—C. B. fteynoidv Insj*c«s»ra ,d M«nagvrof Gartiage 3ervice—L. L La Mcitc. In»pector—(». W. C Jon«a. Pon Phy»icta . Dr.G. B. Andrcw», Di*(a nsāzr, Dr. M. W. Uoward. Lep«r scuic.aoit, Dr. K. K. OUver. Boaed or Educatu>s. 0>ort Hoose B iilding, Klng »trect. Pre*ident, Mon. C. R. KUhop. Seetetary. W. Jaraes sai!i. Inapeel rof SehooI», A. T. Alkinaon. DwBn;CocH. Po’iee St»tton BuīMlng. M«rrhant »treet A. 6. M. Kohenaon. T»ri(lr»lt Jaoths A. Th <ni| *on. iTcrs