Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 10 Pepeluali 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Phonograi»h exhibition this evening. Weather bad, walking bad. Missionary people ride. Mud, polilioal, as well as dilutod earth, is very plentiful to<lay. Mr. C. B. Lvons the looal wcather-prophet will predict after this storm is over. Many strangers are eujoying the warmth of the waters at Honolulu’s chief bathing plaeee. The printers of the Panuliof thr Paeine believe that the Jan. number will be out iu time for the Oeeanie. The steamer Oeeanie will probably arrive late on Monday and sale for tbe coast by midnight. Psabu singiug isdaily iudulged in more to the detriment than the beuetit of religion. at the ‘01d Coruer.’’ The Popular Phouograpb Parlors in the Arlingtou Clock is giviug daily puhhe concerts, free of charge. • Mr. C. Nestor Edison will appear at the Y. M. C. A. Hall this evoniug with his famous loud talking pbonograpb. The perfurmunce will eomiueuee at •ight o’eloek.
Tbe P. G. band concerts this ' afternoon, perhaps at Eonna Sqoare. I Horse bayers were dealing in pnrcbasesat tbesale in Hackfield A Co’s yard to<lay. Material for tbe Hawaiian exbibit seeras now to be a drog >n tbe market. The fire meotioned in the Holomua as occorring at Mrs. Robertson s last evening destn>yed an onoccopied Loose. The forraer residence of Capt. Davies sitoated on the corner of 13ingbara and Metcalf streets was sold at aaction today for abont $4000. The fire laddies are so watcbfol tbat they have now to be drilled into getting in and out of bed. 'fhe cbief and foreraan are the expeits in bed drill. Tbe Holomua is gettiug '*in it" with “both feet" or langr.«ges, an Hawaiian daily edition is now published. The P. G. Band gave a concert last evening at the Hotel. After the music was over a “social'’ dance was held in the beautiful lanai. I The Mutual, Bell Telephone hne men are kept b:isy these days on acconnt of the prevailing: heavy winds and rains. 1 — Sidney Turuer is now doraiciled for busiuessat the Commercial Hotel and his desire is to see his friends early and often. Manager Cunninghara of the | Anchor is abont to issue a brochure on the “Oystor aud its ; uses.“ He gives class instruc- i tion. with practical illustrations [ daily, at his business plaee. — The misnamed League had a sma1l raeeting last evening, and frora “the sounds of revelry“ whieh proceeded from their tramping grouud the services • were initiatory. — Too bad that the geueral pub lie was not supplied with the naraes of buyers who p:»id such | prices at tho late sale of Hawai- i ian stamps. The puhlie nre warned against giving money to any white-skin-ned beggars ahout tow n. The i brown skinned race have not yet begged anything. The Schuetzen club had a large and enthusiastic meeting at their rooms last evening. j About thirty-five new members were added to the roll. It is st »ted that presideut Mnlligan of the * guards will | soon move to adopt the rules and regnlations of the Mecbanics Union. A story is extant that a cooper and a woo»t liave joined in league and aie to play together, in some sncb sceue us tbat in the Iast part of Macbeth. The out-door phonograph exbibition given by the proprietor of the Popular Pbonograph Parlors. Arlington Block attracts crovds daily. The HoLOMUA will publish witb its M<md,*y edition on arg«mout, by one of the raost respect1 ©*1 aud able lawyers of the United , States. on tho subject of the Hawaiian coutroversy. Don’t fail to get a copy of one Monday eveuing. Chttrch Services. •• :-ir ■: *"'• 7 ’ ’ • i'he services of the Catbedral Congregation of St- Andrew*s Catbedral for tomorrow are as follows: 6:30 a.m., Uoly C«mmuniou, ll a.m., moroing aervioe
I and sermon; 7:30 p.m., evensong and sermon. The services of the Second Congregation of St. Audrew s Cathedral lomonow (8onday) will l>e as fol!ows: 9:45 a.m., Holr Commanion with sermon; Sanctns and Kyrie, smart in G. hymns 349and323; None Dimittis. Eivey in A; 6:30 p.m., evensong with sermon; Magniflcat, Duboisin G; Nane Dimittis, Gilbert in F: Anthem “IfTeLoveMe. Keep My Commandments,’’ by Monk; hvmns, 210, 189 and 28. All are iuvited. At the Ceutral l'nion Charch, cor. of Beritania and lliehan.1 St. Services will be held as follows: Sunday Scbool at 9:45 a.m., Pub lie M orship ut 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. The Yonng People’s Soci etv of Christian Endea\or will meet at 6:30 p.m. Allare eonlially invited to these services. The Y. M. C. A. members will hold serv;ces on Suuday, 11 a.m., at Oahu Jail; 1:15 p.m., at the I3arracks; 3.30 p.m., Bible study |at T. M. C. A.; 6:30 p.m., Gospel praise service at Y. M. C. A. Reorganizced Church of Jesus Christ cf Latter Day Saints; Mililaui Hall, rear of Opera House. Services will be hehl on Sunday as follows: 10 a. m., Bible class; 11:15 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.