Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 10 Pepeluali 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Advertisements J. KEMPNER, pashionable Tailor GENTL£MEN'S SDITS and CLOTHISG MADE TO OKDER 2 Good Varieiy of Fine Cloth in Stock. CIeaning and Repairii>g Kcatly Done. Terms Reasonable. Give me a Trial. 107 KING STREET, 0ppcsite ■] A Hote! m I' Hoool “ l0 fel X-». H. DE3E J0BBER 0F Wines. Spirits, & Beers. H0TEL ST., between Fort and Bethel streets. = Holiday Presents The undersigned beg leuve to eall the attention to a Iarge as5 sortment of tasteful and elegant Je-welr\ T , suitable for Christmas 1 Presents. Hawaiian" I'laa* Pius in d:tierent sizes. Hawaiian *J ewelry a specialty, If you want to buy an elegaut aml at the sanie time an mexpen•sive Chr»stmas Present, eall around and inspect my stock. TH0S. LINDSAY Mclnnrny Block, Fort St.Houolula dccl tf Sans Sauci Hūl'EL, WAIKIKI, UONOLOLU. ! ) - ■ \ r C* T» First-C/ass AccommoQ3- * tions for [ Tourists and lsland Guests. • SUPERI0R BATHING FACILITIES. Pnvaie Cottages for FamilleS. T. A. S1MPS0N, oot9 Manager.