Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 10 Pepeluali 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

POUM) MASTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby giveu to all persons, that there is at the Governuient Pouud at Makiki, 1 strayeil mottled horse, white spot on the forehead aud nose, white right hind leg braud indescribat)le on the left hip. Auy person or persons owuing this horse, are reqnested to eome and take the same on or l>efore 12 o’eloek noon of SATUKDAY, Feb. 24, 18ttt. JAMES KŪKONA, Pound Master. Makiki, Feb. 9, 1894. WO CHAN & Co. Merchant Tailor King street, Thomas’ Block, next iloor to Holomnu office. All Sults Guaranteed to Fit, and IN THE LATEST STYLE. Clotbe6 Cleaued an«l Bepaired. no*27 plaMoaal Iron Woi*h QC£EN Street, Between Aiakea & Richard Sts. THE UNDERSIGNED are prepaied to I make nll kiods of Iron Brass, Broaze, Zinc, Tin and Lead Castings, Also a General Repair Shop for Steam Engines, Kicc Mills, Oom MiUa, " ater Wfceels, Wind MiiU, etc. Maehiueā lor the Cleaning of Coffee, Castor Oila, Eeana, Kamie, 8isal, Pinoapple Leaves & other Fibrons Plants, And Paper Stock Also Machines for Extracting Starch fro» the Manioe, Arrow Root, etc, All Orders promptly attendod to. WHITE, RITMAN CO.