Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 10 February 1894 — AN OCEAN RACE. [ARTICLE]
There Well Known Crafts Compete. — Ciiptain Dan MeNeil of the barkentine S. G. ilder will today draw the sntn of ?500 as the winner of a race frotn Honolulu to this port. The barkentine PIanter, Amelia and ilder left | Honolulu in the order given for a race to this port on the llth inst. A prize war made of $500, eontributed iu eqnul parts by the three captiins, The money was | forwarded here by the steamer i Monowai, and eaeh captain held | an order for the $500, conditioni I ed that thc captam ot tlie hrst \ t -,sel arriving should be declar- : ed the winner aud eutitled to the prize. The three barkentiues are wbat : is known as “sugar boats.” They ply regularly between here aud i the Hawaiian Islands, takiug down geueral cargoes and returning with cargoes of raw sugar. There is mneh friendly rivalry betweeu the captains of vessels in the Honolulu trade, and eaeh tries to make a recordbreaking trip on eaeh voyage. Ou the 10th iust. Captain Ward of the Amelia, Captaiu Dow of tho Planter and Captain MeNeil of the Wilder met in the oliiee of a well known shipping firm iu Honolulu. They were enthusiastically discussing the merits of their vessels when the subject of a race over the 1036 mile course j to this port was proposed. The ; idea was instuntly taken np and the money soon forthcomiag. All three vessels had but twenty | four hours preparation for the rnce, so that they left Honoluln in practically the sarae condition as when making the nsu»l voyage. Mueh interest was occasioned in Hawaiian shipping circles over the event. The first barkentine to sail from Honolulu was the Planter, and balf an hour later the Amelia was tacking ofF shore from Diamond Head. The ! Wilder was several hours behind I the other two in getting away and | the first to arrive. Capbūn MeNiel of the Wilder , says tbat light airs and calms ■ were exprerienced on several days, whieh delayed the vessel. ! The time was sixteeu da3’s. Th e Amelia and Planter had not been sighted up to sundown last even*n§> b u t may be looked for at auy time. The S. G. Wilder is 570 tons register and oeo of the smartest vessels of the Houoluln fleet Mhile in command of Captain vniffiths, now on the barkentine Albert, the Wilder made several trips from here to Honoluln in 1 eleven and twelve days.—S. F. Paper.