Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 10 February 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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The Boy Who Helps His Moiher. As I irent do»n tbe stre«t to-d»y I uv a liule U.i Whose laoe was just ihe kind o( Uoe To make a p»rson gUd. It was so pinmp and rv»_T cheeke.l, S>1 cheerful *ad so bright, It made me thiuk of apple-lime, And tUled me with deiight. I saw him bnsily «t work, While blithe blaek biid's song HU merry, mellow whi#tle raag Tbe pleosant street along. ■•O, thafs the kind of l*d I like: ’ l thongbt. as I passed by; •'These busy, cheerr, wh»tling boy» Make graad mea by aa.i by.” Just then a playmate eaa.e a!oug, And !eaned across the gate- • A plan that pn>mised lotsof fun And frv>Iio to reiate. “The boys are waiting for ns now, So hnrry npf” he crie<l; My little whisller shook his heael, And “t’an't eome,’’ he replied. ‘■t’aa't eome! Whr nol, I’d like to know? What hindere?” asked the other. "Why. don’t yoa see,” eame the reply. “I’m bnsy helping mother. She’s lot» to do and so 1 like To help her all I ean,So I've no time for fan just now." Said this dear liule man. “I like to hear yon talk like that,” I told the liule lad; “Help mother ail yon oan and make Her kind heart light and glad." It does me good to thiuk of him And know that there are others Who, like thLs mauly hule boy, Take hold and help their motbers. —[Goldeu Days. PH0RCED PHORACINC Successful Raids by Gcncral Scissors. Does a person heeome e>loueblind who is pttrified with astoniahmenl? Neceagity knowH no law and is too poor to bire a lawyer who knowg anything. Rivere have mouths, and sumnier visitors to New Hampshire say they have seen a mountaineer W ith so many patont medicinee that cure everylhing, il is a wooder that there is »o mueh eieknea». Some one describes a fanalic aa a fellow who takes a burning interest in some subject we don’t care any thing about. The English clergy wa» at first very htiter against the fork. one declanng that its use was impious. No, Matildy. leimee don’t go row:ng in cat boats; they row on haek fences. An old Engliah ‘Mannen» Bx»k’ s”.ys: “A lady shouid dip only tbe tips of her fingers in the eauee howl, and shuuSd not let food fall out of btr moutb on the Uhle c!oth.” A GlouceBU r c!ergyman b.>s rai»ed the question wbetber a man eaa be at the sarae lime a fish dealer and a Christian. Jie must have heen floander!ng. CE«EIIT glOEWJ\Ll(g A>P durbing Laid. £stixoates given on all kimla of $fcone, (Soqci>ete Woi^ C0XCRETE A SPEC1ALTY. JNO. F. BOWLKB. jao!7 3m