Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 10 Pepeluali 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

HOLO^U^, 18 PCBLISHED Every Afteraoon EieEn" SUXDAY BY THE Holomua Publishiag Co. At King St. (Thonoas hloek), Honolula, H. 1. SU3SCRIP7I0N. per Month, 50 Cts, I ” The paper i« delivered by Carriers in tht towu «nd tiubarbs. bingle Copie» for 8»lt at thc New» Dealers and at the Office ol pablication. EOMUHO N0RRIE, - - Ediw ABRAHAM FēRNANDEZ , - Manager I NOTICE. All Basincss Commui'lcationn should b» addressed to Abraham Fernandez, Hono lulu, H. I. Correspondence and Communications foi pnblication ahonhl be addraaaed to the Editoi llawiui Holomua. No notice will be paie to auy auonymous eommuuiealion».

13usiness Cards A. P. PETEESON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offioe: 113 Kaahumanu Street, Honoluk Huwaiiau Islands. CHAULES CKEIGHTON, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. OfBce: 113 Kaahumanu Street, Honoluli Hawaiian Isl«nds. PAUL NEUMANN, ATIX)RNEY AT LAW. 314 Merchunt Street. Honoiulu Mutual Telephone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTOKNEY AND COUNSELLOK A1 LAW. Oflc«. OKl Capitol Building, (Honolnh Uale), adjoining Post Offioe, Uonolulu. J. M. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 300 Men‘hiint St.. Oftice (Mutual Tel. 180, Eesidence 67. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTOKNEV AT LAW, Offioe, oorner King & Bethel Sts A. KOSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. No. io Kaahuiuauu St., Honololu Hawaiiau lslands. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Real Estate imd Genera Auctioneer. Coraer Fort and Qneoo*Streeta, Honolul Pereoual altention given to Sale of Furnilure, lioal £atate. Stock »nd General MerchanJi»e. Maiual ToUpkoiM 23».