Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 10 Pepeluali 1894 — THIRTEEN HUSBANDS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


‘i !: And Never a Divorce. There was born at Burnley. in Lancashire. in the year 1796. a female child, whom the parents got cbristened by the name of Dorothv. The father was a maker cf grinding stones. and his name was John Lee. Dorothv 1 was never within a school door. and, of course, could neilher | read nor write at any perioil of i her Iife. At ten years she was seut out to work in the fields. and, at the age of 15. she was married to a lad of 16. named John Peters. This was husband i . No. 1. John Peters en isted as a i soldier. and fell at Talavera, in 1812. Three weeks after Peters was in the eohl ground. Dorothy was married by the military ehaplain to Corporal Davis, of the 67th Foot. Davis fell at Vittoria, and three days afterwards his widow married Bom bardier Koss, of the Koyal Aitil lerv. Ross met his deuth by a eannon shot from the ramparts of St. Sebastian, and iu a raonth after\vards his widow changed her name to Young, being united in marriage to Private Young, of 1 the 93rd Foot. Young received his quietus at the skirraish of Nieve, and his discousolate \vidow, a fe\v days after\vards. joiued hands \vith Private Miek Brassv, of the Connaught Kan gers. Miek, poor fellow, only enjoved his raarried V)liss 26 days, a eaunon ball taking otf his hcad iu ono of the engagements in the Pvrenees. Our heroine mourned for her loss ou!y eleven days, when she \vas mated to Sergeaut Moor. of the 42d Foot. Moore was oue of the first shot at Bayonue, aud tbe lady then beeame the \vife of Sergeant Camphell, of the sarae regiment. Campbell was killed in a sortie the evening of his ra.irriage day, but his widow still stuck to the eamp. She raarried, f*»r the eighth tirae, Corporal J. H. BIack, of the 79th Highlanders. He died from natural causes, about a mouth before Waterloo. Our widow appears as a nurse at “Europe’s Crowning Victory,” and we next henr of her at Edin burgh Castle as the wife of another Sergeant Carapbell. She was married in succession to Private Uastie, Corporal M Vittie and Sergeant Johu Scott, and died as the wife of Samnel Hay, a . laborer in Dalry, Edinburgh, in 1 her 56th year, uever having had any faraily, but having been wedded 13 times .—Exchange.