Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 9 February 1894 Edition 02 — Appreciated. [ARTICLE]
_ ) Mr. W. Ripley and wife of Washington were among the departing passengers by the steamer Alameda yesterday, for the Coast. While here Mr. and Mrs. Ripley had op|K>rtunity to • pay a visit to the Qaeen. The gentleman in after couvers-’ition said that, he h<id been “filled foll of belief ” tbat, Her Majesty \vas gnarded by centi[>edes, that a glass of water wonld mean | death to the stranger and that j conversation would be carriecl on in an unknown tougue or else in • half unictelligible English.’ His j | statement on leaving. was to tbe 1 j efFect that, Her M«jesty was a i cultured lady who did not disp’ay | any indication of the “behead ; ing” instinct charged. The Qneen i played several selections of her | own compositions for Mrs. > Ripley and that lady intends to j carrv the news to her society | - frieuds, in Washington.