Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 9 February 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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TLo “reimblic” rumor is again gaiuiug circulatiou. There will bo a concerl at tbe Hotel tbis evening. Valeutine purcbasing is noi beiug tnucb indulged iu. Tbe guests at Sans Souci bad a verj’ enjoyable time. last even* ing. Col. Jim Sberwood is suffering from a poisoned band tbe result of a fly bite. The membership of the Schuet*en club is showiug up now in three figuree. Tbe Steamer Oeeanie is due here from Yokoharoa on Monday uext tbe TJtb. inst. Many strangers «re eujoying the warmtb ol tbe waters at Honolu!u's cbief batbiug places. Louis Wesner lately engineer of tbe steamer C. li. Biabop is acting eugiueer of £ngine Co Ko 2. Tbe poisoners of tbe valuable dogs be!onging to Capt. Klemme and bis brotber have not yet beeu discovered. Mr. W. Dnubar a well-known coutractor of San Francisco returned to San Franci«co by tbe Al«meda. Mrs. Dunbar (ne*5 Lncas) remaiuB here for a sbort Heaaou before returniug to her L J

The Kilanea Voleano Fīoase cornp«ny meet tbt8 afternoon for | tbe coDsideration of apeei&l I hoeineee. There will be an exbibition of the powers of the pbonograpb at ; tbe Y. M. C. A. Hall to-morrow evening. — Franci8 M. Haleh Esq. is repnried to have rtfceived ihe nominalion ' minister of foreign atiairs of the ; ; provisional government. The Tiser approves oftbe Holomca eatimate of the proposed 2dd;tion to ihe advisorv eouneil from tbe ranks of the g#cret : Leagoe. — The well-comlncted organization known as the Scbntzen clnb will meet at its rooms tbis evening. No dog poisoners are desired. — The out-door phonogrnph exhibition given by the propriet or of the Popular Phonograph Parlors, Arlington Block uttracks crowds daily. I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turner, Mi’h. Kittle and d«ugbter and the Mesars. Peyton arrived here from the Colonies by the Alameda yesterday morning. The peculiar jonrnalistic amenities of the Star have been extended to Capt. Julian Palmer. a i visiting journa!ist who represents I the Bostou Transcript. J. M. Camara has been re- ! elected to the captaincy of Co. C of the Frovisioual troops. M. Cosbi was elected to the positiou of lieutenant vice J. M. Vivas defeatcd. The uext news from theUnited States is expected to arrive by i the steamer Monowai, due here \ February 15th. Darae rumor is however very busy witb an expeoted special messenger to arrive on the 13th. Mr. M. McVoy Jr., who has been assisting Mr. T. W. Hobron in the obtaiuing aml arrang'ng of material for exbibition at the Hawaiian exhibit at Sunset Citj’, left yesterday by the Alameda for San Francisco. Overloaded postage-stamp speculators distributed their goods to a few buyers by auctiou this raorniug. Hawaiian stamps do not oommaml a big premium now. I The secret League dagpole has remained unadorned for a long time. No tiag is there. The | I. X. L. statiou on tbe corner displays all sort of bunting second-hand. Tbe invitation extended, to be present at tbe private exhibition of the loud talking phonograph, in the parlur of the Arlington House, last evening was generally accepted and a eouple of bours was spent pleasantly io listeniug to various sougs and speecbes. The benefit eutertaiument whieh is iutended to take plaee on Satnroay evening (Feb. 17) at tbe 0|>era House protnises to be \ au iuteresting event Mr. W. B. Asb the beoeficiary is bimself ; | well known in minstrel circles and a host of his friends wili assist on the occasion. — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turner arrive«.l by the Alaraeda frora the Colouies. Mrs. Turner who is ' known here better by her loeal appellalion as the “Hawaiian uightingale” or in the ‘profesh’ as Miss Annie Montague, will very pmbably, dnring her stay, warble some songs for the pleasure of the general puhlie.