Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 9 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
P01ND MASTfcRS NOTiCE. Kotice is liereby giren to »11 pewonn. that there »8 at the GoTernment Poaml at Makiki, 1 straye<l niottled boree, white »pot on the forehead and nose, white right hind leg brend indescribable on tbe lcft hip. Any person or persou» owumg this horse-, are requested to eou.e anō lake the s.tme on or before 12 o’elook uoon of 8ATURDAY, Feb. 24, ISW. JAMLS KUKONA, Puand Master. Makihi, Feb. 9. 1S94. | POCND MASTER*S NOTICE. Xotīi« is hereby giren le all person», ibat tbere is at the GoTerument Ponnd at Makiki, 2 atrayed borses and 2 m«w. 1 m.'Uleii boree. wbite spot on thd forehsnd, white right fore-leg and !eft hind leg, ■ fally shod, braud indiscnbable. | 1 bUck horee, white spot on the noae, white left bind leg. bread indi»cribable. 1 Sorr*-l mare, while apol on the forehead and nuee, brand indiscnbable on the nght 1 hip. I Sorrel āl!y. brend iodiācnbalde ou the rigbt hip. Acy i«non or prreons owning thrae animala are reqneated to eome and take tbe same onorbefcre 12 o'eiuek noon of SATURDAV. Feb. 17. IS94. JAM£S KUKONA, Pound Master. Makiki, Feb. 7. 1S94. WO CHAN & Co. Merchant Tailor )King street, Tbom*s’ Block, next door to Holomoa office. All Sults Guaranteed to Fit, and rs THE LATEST STTLE. I |Clotb«s Cieaned and Bepaiied* I m>87