Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 9 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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T I iisurance T*s otices IKrSTTRA]VCE FIRE & MARINE The U'M>KP.f»iGNEi> is authorized to take Fire and Marine Risks on !Buildings, Merchandise* Hulls, Car2:oes, Freis:hts and Commissions, *t Currcnt RaUs in the following Coiupanies, viz: Kuij(tl Insurance Co • - - Liver/jool ALHanoe Assnrunce Fire $ Marine, - London Wilhelnia uf Mad£ebur$ Gen f l. Ins. Co. Hun Insuranee Co., - - San Frnncisco .1. 8. WALKER, Agent for Hawaiian Lslar^s Fire, Liife & !VEarine HAHTFOKD FIHE INSUKANCE CO., Assets, $7,109,825.49 LOM)ON LANCHASHIRE F1RE INS. CO., Assets, S4,317,052.00 THAMES MERSEY MAR1NE 1NS. CO., Assets, $6,124,057.00 NEW YORK LIFE INS. CO. t Assets, $137,499,198.91) C. O. BERGER, General Agent for Hawaiian Islands, Honolulu, H. I. Telephones ; Residexce : Bcll 351. Mutnal 410. Muiual 417. P O. Box 11". E. B. THOMAS, Contractor Builder Elstim»tes» Given on A.11 l-eiiKl* OF llli« K. IKON, hHlNE 4 « AIl Kinds of Jobbing in thc Building Trade, Attcndcd to. KEEPS FOR SALE; Brick, Lime, Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, OU & New Corrogated Iron, Minlon^Tiles, Quairy Tiles, assoried siaes &nd colors; |California and Monterey 8and. Gracite Corbing and Blocks, otc.. etc. t Coroar Klng A Smith Sti. •FFICE A YARD: ] O»t0 Hoon, t» t%M.» I *M#W» M.