Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 9 February 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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I [We do not hold onrselves respoasihle fcr : ! the opinionn or the ntterances of our i cotTespondents.] 1 Editor Holomua: It appeurs tbat Mr. Frank Dumon Sii[ierinteuilent of the I Chinese M ssion is pnshed for j $2000 more, to puy for tho en- j ; larprement of the Chinese church; | ° auJ asks the frieuds of the Mission of other nationalities for help to pay otf the churoh debt. This seems strange, as Mr. Damon is a good American and of course a meraber of the Araer iean colony, who boast that the}’ j own nine-tenths of the riches of 1 tbis coontry, and act us thougb ! they owned the worl3. What a j>ennrious lot the American colony raost be, to allow a good i American to beg from other I nationalitics for helj>, when they huve blazoned before the world that other nationalities here, are out of the ruce altogether, with regard to riches. We take notice that when the favored fewhandle \ the taxpayers’ money, they are quite free with it, but when ask- : ed to go down iuto their owu ; pockets for a little charity, they at onee show their meanness and button up. Mr. Damon should , cousult the Star man, as he has the j>ower behind him, that ean hustle toe self boasted owuing all American colony, to pay otf the debt inside of twenty-four hours. i Cheops. ] Editob Holomua: Said President Dole to Minis 1 ter Willis: *‘ We have stood ready to add to your conntry a new star : to its glory.” A fine star this new star would be! If Dole and j his co-conspirators ean be be lieved it is inhabited by some 90,000 hedhen canniba!s. mongrels, aml mongolians untit for governing tbemselves. and some 600 missiouaries nml their des cendants. A fiue sovereign State these Saudwich Islands would make. A star of glorv, indeed’.! S0l'TH WEST.