Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 8 February 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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I * No bAnd oiee**!! at the Hotel tbis j . eremrg. Another minstrel entertain- S ment is on the tapi». The tnrn Znnpa will probably sail for the Co«st tomorrow. i The weather today i» wann, but pleasant. Wind ligbt, X. E. Tbe stcnly of Theosophy is apt to heeomeone of the loeal »tudies. — The «aW dr >nght at the Makawao Seminarv 5t* said to still e*ist. | The boycott i» being established by the Siar editor and bis | : b tckers. There were only a few throngh I passengcrs from Australia by the Alameda. The st«Kbholdere of the Volcano House Co., will try to meet again i j en Friday. — Th« Chinese Commercial agent has ofBciaily protested i«gainst the j Chinese business bill. The Star has advanced good l reasons whv the Parndi.se should r©ceive more subsidv. The bark S. C. Allen arrived in port yesterday afternoon in a ten duys trips, from San Francisco. Ovrners of lots in the. Catholic i cemetery will meet at the eeme- ! tery on next Monday. — P. C. Jones is president of C. Brewer Co (liraited). His salary is supposed to be about $6000 per year, in the position. Captain Dre\v of the bark Amlrew Weleli hopes to be enabled to leave with his vessel, for San Francisco tomorrow. The Alaraeda arrived from the Colonies early this moruing. She sailed again eu route for the Coast at 3:40 p. rn. What f ikes the , annexation papors be. “Sbe smy Annie is claimed to bave uarrowly esca|\ed “an assassin’s bullet.” Lucky for Annie that she escaped with her life. There was a lively fight’yesterday noon at the coruer of Merchant and Fort streets botween two irate, if not iuebriate, strangers. They were gathered into Hitchcock’s fold. The C >uncils «re uow asked by the Sheutzen Club to try and give I eroployraeut to needy people. i The stolen Paradise of the Pacific sabsidy is at tbe Governnient’s disposal. T ie latcst new» from the wr**ck of the ?teamer C. R. Bish>\p is that bul little of the vcssel will be Isaved. Hev. E. C. Oggel formerly well known in th:s city is m line with i hie missionary friends in the : vilup* r»tion of a woman. — Mr. W. O. Atwuter a late arrival is now in position in the Custom House. The Amenean Leaguer'parēdesertingtheirgnas. The popu)ar Phonograph par* Iors in Arlington Block, Hotel sireet is now becoming the resort who dcsire to listeo to a gr»nd musical entertainment for a small sum. Mahoe an old native, aged I abont ninety years, was found dead in his hut at Waikane on Satnrday la<t. A grand entertainment is now under way of preparmtion and whieh will take plaee at the Open House on the eveoing of Feb. 17th. Well-known looal talent will appear. as well aa aome Tolonteers ol *bility. Fnrther partionlnn in iomonow’» issoe.