Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 8 February 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
[We do not hold onrselves responsihle for the opinious or the utterauces of our oorrespo nden ts.] Editob Holomua; Things look bud’ in fact are bad!! and as tliey used to say in 1889, are you going to do about it?” tbe Revd. Editor of the Anglicau Church Chronicle says ”It is easier to get a drink than a meal:” You yourselve eume out in yonr issue of Feb. 7th, with the storj T that Honolulu haa a plethora of white labor —Now sir! the Fditor «f the A. C. C. does not talk throngh his hat, he is one of the first who gets hit by the impecun’ous as I well know—otliers as well as myself ean beur hiin out. Wlmt I wunt to get ut is this; if annexation with free labor means so mneh why the devil dou’t these annexationists employsomeof theseriff r.tff whieh is arriving every steamer and show us the benefits of anuexatiou —Bah! they kuow as well as you or I, that, that class of labor is not what tbey want!! They . have got a down on tho constij tional good of this country. ! because they can’t nnder it rnle i the roost — and what is more tbey i know perfectly well that this anj nexation free labor would not work for them «nyhow—now what on earth do they expect — they talk «nnexation and yet not one Iogical oonclnsion un<ler onr j cireumstances has been advance«l iu favor of it. The whole thing i has been like a chiid hunting for ! a toy, as a means to pacify the gniieless moment of an honr. —I am sorry I said “gaileless’ becanse it might be misconstrnedbnt still we will )et it stmd; the whole utiair is “guileles8” froro Nov. 22. 1892 to date’” The fanuist part is that the v<rv mueh learned W. O. Smith in a letter pabtished in the Lros Angeles Tiraes of January 15th t says, speaking of the «eek before ! me “We «ere prepared to resist eventobloodshedany restoration” and fortber on “but the Lord stepped io and prevented it”— ' PoorSroith ; I hopo he said his i prayers that night!! But enougb, i lei qs aee ho« mueh of this free f and eniightened unemployed i labor oan be turned to accoont i by iheee «ell eall them r annexationi*ts for «ant of ., another void. Ha«ail