Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 7 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — REVENGE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


— - A Cowardly Deed. . h ! i . j’ A da?tard!y d«cd wai? c >raraitted j ] laet evening by 8orae unkoown ; * pers.>n8 and by whieh two valuable ) d<>gs were done to death, strvch- ! i nine beii.g tbe ineane used. Tbe 1 f ,cts a» obtained »how that, the Sclu.et.zen Clcb had a meeting in their hall last evenii g and to it Captain Klenm.e and his brother. «ccorapanied by their d>'gs, \vent. Just before tbe meelii g was end*-d one of the dogs eame int<) the meetii>g ru"Di and st!gg rmg t<> | w»rds its m»etor. droj.p»d dead Tne other d«>g w;ts 1«> sed f«>r and . f >und to be in a dying c >nd ti.>n. ;, Veterinary skill wss ompl«>yed and al9<> the aid «>f Mr. W..M. Cunning— | han' a l.aial d >g-fancier bit alt | w:thout avail lbe s ; cond d<>g 8 »>n fol!owing his raate to ni >r>- “i».«i>py h>intmg gr >unds.” Tne owuers < f the d >gs ff»r a reward "t #50,1 | b«c-;ed up by another fr >< ■ 31 1 rshal. f r inf«>rra *l.un «hieh i wiil lead to the d 8C«>very • f th* dasurd whu did the dtcd. Alr. Klemme has stmngly voiced hia opinion that it is one or n»ore of the riff-raffs that belong to the P. G. crowd. Wilūna Hacsen a Dane, diod bere lately. intestate. The acting Consul for Denmark haa iaken eharge of the estate. The streugth ot Ihe wind bas ; greatly decreased and now the merccry monnts close to 83 ! d«grt.es, m il.e shade.