Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 7 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — AND ONCE AGAIN. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


1 More Poisoning Among the P. G’s. .. . — I Tbenj was coosi«ierable ei- , oitomeut aboat tovn last e\ening oa accoant of rmnors being our- I rent that thirty men of the Pro, I visional troopa ba«i been poisoned by the mixtnre of strychnine or someotber deatlly metallic poison i in the food t «ken by tbem at their sapj>er, at their raess-rooras in the Palaee gronnds, at abont 5p. m. Investigliion was im mediately ma<le by a representa. i tive of the Holomi a the bel ef in the reporter’s min«l being tbat the storj’ was the nsnal “fake ' yarn generallv started jost before the «lepartnre of a steamor for the Coast and intended (as Admiral Irwin has charged) to influence pnblic opinion in the Uuited : States. The storv as told, at first- : * : was to the efFect that thirtv men bad been poisond. five of whom, including one, Coyne by name. being then wriggliug in death agonies. Investigntion proved that onlv fifteen men had become ill, from eating a mixture of maecaroni, cheese, cabbage and other epicurian dainties, aud all of those had been seated ot one j ; table. Coyne was also t>iken ! sick bnt he was at the «>llieers | table an«l was tlie only one | i so taken the others eating of the | 1 same food showing not the slightest illness. The true facts of the case are, that: a j>ortion of the men of Company F. were eat*ng at their special table aud soon after their snpper a nuraber of them eompiaineil of feeling ill and eoin raenced to vomit. Coyne who was seated at another table also displaye«l the saine symptoms. . Pois«>ning was at onee charged only in tliis instanee no one has as yet evon hinted that Royalists were concerned in it. Dr. Cooper . was sent for aml under his care J tbe sick men were takeu in band, their storaachsrelieved their fears dispelled and they soon became convalesceut, noue being now in any danger. The cause is believed to have been frora thecondition of j the vessels in whieh tho eooki ng* { | was done, at auy rate no satisfac tory evi«lence of any kind has proved intentional poisoning. j TIie pans an«l foo«l have been seut to Professer Lyons the chemist at Oahu College for examination and test.