Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 7 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Dou't del.*y your mail to tbe Coast. Valentiue day is dno uoxt Weduesdf>y. Business people eomplain of great dulluess iu all lines of i trade. Mis. Mary Ailau will not return to San Fraucisco before Mnrcb j 3rd. The ehineae Kouohi fostivities \vere of very short duratious tbis season. Tbe Alaraeda is due tbis eveuing frora tbe colomes en route to Sau Francisco. A dozen expect«nt sigbt-seers left by tbo Kmauyesterday afternoou for tbe Volcano. Tbe entrances to tbe Punahou Preparatoiy »chool is beiug grade\l and curbed for walks. Mueh uet‘de<l iraproveraent bas l»eeu raade in Miller street by tbe p!acing of side\valks tberein. Mr. Stoeckle of tbe Popular. Pbouograpb Parlors h«s a record o( Riug Kalakaua'» l»st S|»eecb. Tbe Hawaiiau hula is reported to be veiug in attraction witb tbe Persian t ianee >lf iyntrf at tbe Midwinter F«ir. Pastor Parker uf Kawaiahao church and Tax Assessor Shaw aro mixed up iu a court dispnte over taxation matters. Tbe bark Mauna Ala, Captaiu Smitb, sailed yesterday afternoou for San Fiancisco, with a sugar cargo valned at $55,564. — Tbere will bo a private exbibiat the Arlington par)ors to-mor-row eveniug by Mr. E. Nestor Ediscn wlio will sbow hia lood ta)king phonognpb to a number o( inviUd ladi*a «nd gentlau)«u.
Tbere »re indic itions tbat Honolnln is now becoming mocb over stocked with unemployed , wbite labor. Tbe mango season is now in and early moruingraidsare being made in all yards wbicb bave trees cootaining tbe frnit. Tonight tbe minstrel sbow of the Ohampion boys takes plaee at tbe Queen Street Armory' at 8 o’eloek. A large audience is expected. i Capt. Robert A. Andrewsformerly in command of the wrecked steamcr C. R. Bishop, is now chief officer of the stearoer Clandine of tbe Wilder Stearaship Co. i It is not generally known th:»t | Mr. Frunk L. Hoogs is the busi ness manager for E. Nest<>r Edison. who gives a pbonograph exhibition on Saturda\- evening at I tbe Y. M. C. A. Hall. \ ; Roast beef, macaroni and cheese, poached epgs, masbed |X)tatoes! and yet the Advertiser i calls out puison! when the stomacbs unnsed to such food ' I | begin to rebel. Mr. John Hayes who arrived here as mate of the bark Martba Davis, from Boston, bas obtained a positiun as Captain of the 4mastcd scbooner G. N. W atson now at Mahukona loading lor J San Francisco. II Tbe mombers of tbe German Bonevolent Society met tbis afteruoou at tbe olliee of H. Hackfeld <fe Co. Measures were adopted looking to tbe relief of all deserving }>oor or distressed people of “Fatherland.” i • Mr. Juliau Palmer the loeal representative of the Boston Tranacript visited tbe Holohua yesterday and proved bimself, in his sbort stuy, to be a brigbt representative of tbe well-eon-ducted,iuduential and well-known J paper. J. A. Magoon cbarged with assault on J. W 7 . Lnning was tried in the Poliee Court yesterday and Judge Robertson reserved decision uutil tbis morning. Tbe venlict of the Court is tbat Magoon is found guilty of the charged and is ordered to pay a fine of ?10 and costs. — Complaint is made that a target shoot was in full swiug ou Suu day last at the Makiki butts. 1 Furtber comj>laiut is tnado tbat not only the day was disres}>ected but tbat a passing fuueral was interfered with by the sbarpsbooters. The participants iu the match fully aud openly placed themselves on record in j tbe 'Tiser of Monday having no i fear of the laws of tbe land or respect for tliemselves. — It is understood tbat at tbe meeting of tbe Directors of the | well-known firm of C. Brewer Ā Co. beld tbis moruiug, H<>n. J. O. Carter, the manager of tbe firm was reijuested to resign bis eonneelion with the firm. Mr. George Robertson will be his | successor while Mr. P. C. Jones, whose hea!th a short time ago prevented him from bolding the ; offioe of minister of finance. bas beeu eleeleil president of the ; company. The alleged reason for the change is the honorable J stand taken by Mr. Carter iu tbe I afi'airs of Hawaii since tbo revo Iution. a stand whieh on aeeouui i of its honesty, naturally woukl | : be distastefnl to tbe clique, j ' holding the majority of the I I stock. An Unfinished Story, Time, roidnight;location Piikoi and King streets; dramatis personae; a special pulieeman and his gon. Act 1. Bang! Officer holds his lefi arm with bis hand. Ael 2. Station Honae. Officer arrives. Tale īs told tbat he has been shot at by someone; ahowa the wound to prove itAct 3. Reporter arrives; no news tonight. No ahooting: no! no' Beporter ia fired.