Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 7 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
.A d ve rt i se n J. KEMPNEH. FasMonable Tailor GfSTLQIEX'S snrs !Ed CL0TBIXG MADE TO ORDEK Gootl Varifty of Finr Cloth i n Stort. Clfūntng aud Repainng Xeatly D>me. Tenns Reasonab!e, Give m? a Triil. 107 KING STREET, Oj>pcsite | Honolula fel L. H. DEE' JOBBER of Wines, Spirits, & Beers. HOTEL ST.. between Fort aml Bethel streets. i Holiday Presents Tbe undersigned beg leave to eall the attention to a Iarge assortmeut of tasteful aml elegant Jewelrv’, suitable for Christmas Presents. Hawaiianl Flag: 3Pins in ditferent sizes. Hawaiian J ewelrv a specialty. If you want to buy an elegaut and «t tbe same time an ineipensive Chr».straas Present, eall around and inspect my stoct. THOS. LLND SAY, Mcln*rny B!ock, Fort St.Hooolalu decl tf Sans Snnci Hūl'EL, WAIKIEI, HONOLOLU. First-C/ass Aeeommooafions for i Tourists and /s/and Guests. UPER!0R BATHtNG FACIUTIES, Pnvate Cottage$ for FamilieS . T. A. 81MP80N. Maa*«ctnr.