Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 7 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
P01ND MASTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby givea to all persons, that there is at the G«Tenmient Ponml at Makiki, 2 str»yed horses and 2 mares. 1 moUkii horse, white spot on tha forehead, white right fore-leg and left hiud leg, fnlly shod, braud indiscnbable. l'hlaek horse, white spot on the nose, white left hiud leg, braud iudiscribuble. 1 Sorrel mare, whit« spot on the forehead and uose, brand iudiscribahle on the right hip. 1 Sorrel filly, brand indiscribable on the right hip. Auy person or persons owning these animals are requestetl to eome aud take the same onorbefore l2o’ctock noou of SATL’RDA V, Feb. 17. 1894. JAMES KCKOXA. Ponnd Master. Makiki, Feb. 7, 1894. dEMENT AXD durbing Laid. Estimates given on all kinds of 0ton8, doqcr6te 1 Wor^ C0XCRETE A SPECIALTY. JNO. F. EOWLKK. janl7 3m WO CHAN & Co. \Iei-chant Tailor fKing street, Thom is’ BU>ck, next door to Holomna office. Al! Sults Guaranteed to Flt, and 1 IN a TRE LATE8T?STYLE. Ciotbes CIeaned and Rej>aired. no27 C.T. AKAXA lailop! 324 Nunanu Street AH Smts Guaranteed ' To Fit and in the Latest Cloth«i Cleaned and Kepaired. nol7.