Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 7 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


[We do not hold onrsclvis re.sponsible for the opinion» or the utterances of onr correspondents.] - Editor Holomua: Will you allow me a resideut of tbe Islands for some years to express my opinion in regard to the present state of affairs and annexation in particular. A person reading the P. G. press wonld eome to the conclusiou that tbey have a raonopoly of tbe Islands especially in regard to brains, wealth and numbers. Now this is very far frora being the truth; if I intended to make this letter personal; and take the lib erty of usiug other people’s i;ames, without their consent. I eouhl make out a list of well kuowa meu numerically as stroug as the P. G.’s in wealth and far superior in iutollect; not to meutiou that large middle class; the backbone aud strength of every i. e.: the mechanics aud sraall raerchants, who with sraall exceptions are on the side of the Queen aud her subjects. Allow me as an Araerican Citizen to express my Leartfelt sympathy with the Queen and the natives, aud my utter contempt and dis gust for the P. G. ? Goverument. j I have faith in God, and in Grover Cleveland; and that gre »t bodv ! ! of loyal American Citizens in the United States of America to be | lieve tbat they will and right the great wrong of Jau. 17th 1893. j and make a retnrn of the stolen property to its rightful and law- j fnl owners. I love Hawaii aud ; the Hawaiiaus, they have been friend to meanu mine, I camehere from the States many years ago ' ; to better myself I havebettered mv i self; and 1 am thankful to the ' Hawaiiana for the opportunity | they have giveu me for so doing, j and 1 thank God that I ean iook the uatives in the face hon- |, estly, and that they know that I an American h td no band in tbe i bigh-hauded robben* of Jan. 17 ; 1893. I am opposed to anneia- ; - tion to tbe United States or to I any other country. Our great- j ness as a nation depends on onr | iudependence; and our weakness * a nation will be onr strengtb; ’ for as an independent natioo we ! ahall be rospected by all and feared by none. The future of ihe Hawaiiana as an indepeadent u naiion ia brigbt with promise, ber futnre as an annex to the United States is overcast with gloono. As an indepeodent naīion Hawaii will bo 4h« atopping

nlaee «nd sapplr-port for ressels of all nations p*ssing tbrongh the ■sthmns (*nd it is only a qnestion of« few years wben the ships' eanal throngh the Istbmns will ?>e complete<!.1 but as «n annex f the fnited States she wonld be sabject to Araerica’s cliange«b!e tariff laws and get al! the hann and none of the benefit; in other wonls the Hawaiian wonld be taxe<! to proteot the Ameriean mechanicand the American mannfactnrer. whereas as an indepenlent nation she ean exchange her native pro<!acts for their eqaivalent with all the nations nf the earth. Hawaii bas nothing to gain bv annexation. bm everytbing to lose: look at the ■ e ndi!iou of affairs in the United States today: thonsands of skili-j ->1 workmen in every one of herj cities out of work an«l begging j th< ir bread. The rich getting richer; the poor, poorer. Snrelyj it is presnmptnous for sncb aj nation to ask this pmsperons little isfcmd to throw in its lot with thero. we are better off in d«>jK>ndence. Annexation is bad in evervwav, bad for evervbo<lv .•• - 1 tbe rich aud the |wor. if the islands were aunexed to the United States everv large monopolistic eoneem iu the United States woukl e.st,iblish a brauch here: they wouid soon swamp ihe loeal dealers and it would be impossible to establlsh loeal manufactures, with onr independence; with wise laws onr future prosperity lies b-‘fore ns. The present >>f the islands has I>een| broiight abont by allowiug foreiguers to hold office; no mau ean serve two masters; neither ean a man be loyal to two eountries. I sincerely hope that when the Queen is restored that no for eigners will be allowed to hoKl any office nutil he has entirely renounced allegiance to his own naiion and sworn his loyality to tbis;if he isa traitor theu enforce thepenalty ,the sameasit wouKl be enforced iu any other civilized country to dsy. An Amekioan CmzEy.