Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 7 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I the: ProvisioDal flovoiiieot O FFICIAL LIST 0F ME.M BERS AND LOCATION OF BCRE\US. ExEcrrivE CorxciL. B. Oole, »f th» Provi<i«n«' <tovemment of th» Hiw-niian I«lands. an.I Min(sler of Foreiim AiTHirsJ. A. Klnir. Ministerof the Interior. S. M, lUmon. M| n i«terof Fin«nee. 'V. O. emUh, Attorney-Gener«!. Advlsory CorvciL. C. "'ilder. Viee-Pres!dent of the Provi>lon«l Governn:ent of the ilawaiien UUmia. C. BoIfe. Jobn Emmelnlh. Oeeil Brown, E. I>. Tennev. John Nott. "'. F. Alleh. John En*. Henrv W»terhoii»e, Jeme« F. Morfran A. Y»nne. hr, F. M.Hauh, J»«. P. Memlonea. Chas. T. Rod«ers. 9eerct«ry Ex. «nd Adv. Councils Stpeeme Cockt. Hon. A, F. Jndd. Chīf f tnstiee. īlon. H_. F. Biekerton, First Amoeiiīe Justiee. Hon. W. F. Fre.'*r, Seeond Associate Justiee. Renry Smith. Chiof rlerk. Geo. Lue s, Depntv Clerk. C. F. Peters*)n.See‘nd I>epntv clork. J. Wa!ter Jones, Stenoprapher. ClRCriT JUDGE8. Firs. Circuit: j£ 00.« Seeond Cireult: -(Mani) A. V Kepolkal. Thtrd and FourthCire*uts: fII«waii)S. l_Austili Fifth Cireuit: (Kauai) J. Hardy. Offiees and Cotirt-room lu C»nrt Hona'*. Klne street. Slttimr In Hm*i!iilii-The first Mo“day tn Ft bruary, M«v. AU){';st :nd Xi vember. Departxent of Foreigk Aftairs, °ffiee in Capltol Hulīdi'iE* Klng str j et. His ExceIIeney S«uford B. Do:e, Mlnlster oi Eoreieā Aff..irs. Geo. c. Potter v Secret ry. " • Uoraee Wright, Liouel Hart, Clerks. Departmektof IntebiorOffioe in Executive Buiiding, Klng street. His Exeelleney J, A. Kiig, MUiister of Interior. Chlef ClerK. J >h i A, IIj;ss oger. Asslsta.it Clerks' James H. Boyd, M. K Keohokaloie 8tepheu Mahaulu, George C. Uoss, Edw»rd S. Boyd. Bubeac of Agriccltcre and FoRESTRV. President: His Exeellencv t e Minister of Intert*r. Wm. G Irwin. AlUn Heri>ert. Joim Eiia, Joseph M.irsdeu, Cominīssiouer «nd 8eeretary. C»HEFS of Bcrkacs, Interior Depart*ent. S irvevnr-Gener«I, W. D. A’ex nder. Supt. Piihl c WoYks, W. E. Ko en Bnpt. Wuter W ;rks, Andrew Brown. ln»i>eclor. E'eetric Ughts. John C s«ldv. Registr:.r ■f C ovev«ures, T. Thnnn' K» .lS;jpervi» *r. H noluiu, W. H Ci’irai*g*. CIi.ef Engineer Fire Dept.. Jas. H. Hnnt. Supt. Iusaue Asyluui, Dr. A. *lcW«yne. Department of Finance. Office, Exeoutive Building, Klug street, Vlidstor of Eimiiee. HU Eicelleney S. M. ILiinon, Andīt* r-Geneni ’,Oc rgj* .1. R* »s. Re*i»tr r of Aeeeual». W. G. A»hley. C:erk of Einauoe offiee. K. A. Meluerny. Col ector-G. ner«l of Castoin, J s. 11 C'»t!e. T«x Ass> s> *r, Oihn, J*n *. Su w Deputy T«x A«se*s. r. W. C. W«»ion. Pj«t;i.»ster-Geoer 1. J. Uort Oal, CrsT«*ll> BCREAC. Olticc, Cust >ra House. E»pUtisde. F»rl str**et. Co.iwtor-<;enerC. J s. B C»»i)e. Dtpnty-Co ert- r F. B. Mrst e>er. H. rb>*r «*ter, Capt»in A. Knller. Port S- rveyor, M. » S nd-r> St rekeep-r. (reorge C. Str»tera yer. DKP*RTJtENT >>r ATT>>RNKT >i£NE« IIOffiee lu Exeeutive RtiiM>nic, Ktng ?trv-!. Att >rney Ge enl. W. O. S:nlti. Depnty At! •mey.Qe.tcr.d, .. K. Wi!der. Cler«. J. M. Kea. M«rs >«j, E. O. HKeheoek. Ci rk lo M rshal, M. M. Dow. Det*nly Mar»hal. Arthur ••’. !tr «n. J«ilor 0*b; Prison, J, A. I>. - . IhiK'n Phy,ieUn. l*r. C. B. C . jvr. BoaRZ> OP I «Xi*)«ATION. Pr «ident, rfi« Exerilercv J. A K*ng. M«ut»w »f »he Bo,rl *>f lamimUan' ■on. J. B. Alhenon. J «. H. Ca»tie. fl»n. A. S. C■ *« ra, Jan.es G. sp«aeer, M«r« P. R 'hiuaen. Seeret_ry, Wr«y T«rkor. Board or Hcalth. Offiee in jmw: ds »f C«nrt Hooae Building, okin.1 uf MiAiani «od *Jao .-u rtn*Ic Merabers: Dr. D»r, Dr.Miner, Dr. Andrew«. J. T. " sterbouse Jr„ John Ena. Theo. K. I«r.«lny «nd Atlorney-(>enerBl Smith. Pres»<leat—Hou. O S.nith Seeret»rf—Cha*. W leoi. Execative Offieer—C. B. Keyno!d». In»peetor ■ d s«r.«g>r ol Gub«ge Serriee—L. L L« Piene. lnsp«nor—G. W. e. Jooes. B rt Phr»lci« . Dr.Q. B. Andrrw». I»up* n«ry, Dr. M. W. HowaM. Leper SetUeiuedt, Dr- E. K. Oarer. Board or Edccatios. Court Houae BoiIding, King «treet. President, 1«. C. H. Bi»hop, S*ere**ry, W. Juae» 8ralt >. luapeel r <A āehoola, A. T. AUlnem. Dt»TKCT.CorKr. Poīiee St«d»a BoHdln*. Mereh.nl atrcct •A- G - Rohert«oa. M«e1«tr.ie. J«sh» A. Tlk-apaoo. (t*r.