Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 7 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

13 u*si ness C a rds H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., Gboceby, Feed Stobe «fc Bakeby, Corner of King and Fort Sts., Honololn. MACFARLANE & CO. Dealers in Wines and Spirits Kaahnmana Street, Honolala. H. F. BERTELMANN. > E COXTRACTOR AXD BUILDER, ' 80 King St., Bell Telephone 107. • F. H. REDWARD, COXTRACTOR asd BUU.oeR, No. 506 King Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. H ■ * DR. MeLENNAN, 131 Fort Street. Office Honrs: 9 A.M. to 12 M.; 3to 5 P.M. | 01Bce Tel. 6S2-MrrcAL-Resi(lence Tel. 2S7. BeU Telephone 381. P. O. Box 32 1 W. W. WR1GHT & SON, Carriage and Wagon Builders ( IX’ .VLL ITS BRAXCHES. 79 umd S0 Kmg Street, Honolnla, H. I. Elias Kaululaau Wright | DENTIST,^j Comer of pving and Bethel Sts., Upsteir8, £utrance on King Street. Office Houbs—From 9 a.m. to 1*2 m., 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays excepted. J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICAL PLDMBER, GAS.FITTER COPPER SMIT H,' »• % House and Ship Job Work Promptlv Executed. Xo. 71 King Street, Houolulu. 1 H. LOSE, 2Notary l^uhlie. Collector and General Business Agent. Sub-Agent for sereral of the 1 Best FIRE INS URA XCE C0S. Mnlnml Telepbone ». P. O. Box 338. Merchmnt street, Honolula. WIN6 W0 TAI & Co., Xo. 214 Xuuanu Street, COMMlSSION MERCHANTS, < lmporters and Demlen in GL'NL MERCHANDIS£. Fine Manila Cigars. Cbiuese and Japanese Crock’n-ware.Mattings, Vasea of all kinds. Camphonrood Trnnks. Ratian Chairs, a Fme Aōsortuent of Dress Silks, Best Brands of Ohioeae aud Japanese Teas ot Latest lmportations. Inspection of New Goods Bespectfully Solicited. MutoaI Tel.|266. P. O. Box 158.