Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 7 February 1894 Edition 02 — PHORCED PHORACING [ARTICLE]
t — Successful Raids by General Scissors. Horse flesh in Ohini hss boon considered a greit delicacy for centnries. The great Sahara Desert is nearly eqnal in area to the C 'ntinen of Europe. Neighbor was onee only a mgh-boor. or the boor or farmer who lived nearest. The biggest man on earth tips the beam at 907 ponnds and is 6 feet 5inches. The tirst illu3tr.ited B’ble ever published was the Nurenib«rg Bib!e, printed in 1476. In the year 1620 England eoinwl tin 8hilling?, eaeh having a stud of copper set in the center. A Canadian court has confined the word **lioodier'’ to mean ‘*the very meanest elaea of tbieves.‘' After the surrender of the Turks at Plevna the Kueaian? p >sses9Īon of $I7,000.00t.t worth of anna. Xew York City. with its 300.000 llebren9, may properly be said to eonlain raore I»raelite8 than all Palestine. The steam9hip of to-day cro98ea the At!antic in a littie more tban five da>*9, one-half the time taken in 1850. In north New Zealaod harvesting extends frcm Noveraber to January. In the soulh .t exiend9 from December to March. At Cannae, where the Komana 8nstaiucd the wurst defeat they ever exp» renced, there were 146 <X)0 men ou the fi !d, of whom 52,000 were killed. In proportion to the numbers engaged, W aterloo waa the bI»K»die9t battle of niodern times. Over 35 per ee .1. nf the nien engage«l were kilieii or woun led. A man’a fnll mentil power is ra»t reschei! 1»-f re the g- <>f u5, and tiie d**velopuient of tal«-ut is m<’St ni.irk«‘<! b*t>veen llu* ages <>f 30 and 35 years,
IIf you don’t t<ke the Holo.xi’a. you nerer see the news abuut the resioration of Queen Liliuokaiani from abroad.