Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 7 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HOLOMUA PUBLISHING Co. PUBLISHERS OF THE “ HAWAIl * * HOLOMUA, A. Journal issued Daily, (Sunday excepted) In the English langoage, and pledged in policy to snpport the Eights iXD Previleges of the Hawaiian People, the interests of the laboring men, and good and honest Governajent for the whole countiy. ALSO OF THE "Ha-waii Hūlomna, 1 -' A Jornal Issne<l ~Weelcly in the ilawaiian I ,anguage, WITH The Largest Circulation 0f any paper publiahed «n the Hawaiian lalunds. Job Printers All Booes and|JoB PnumNO neatly executed ak short notice and A at moderate figures. BILL HEADS, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, POSTERS, etc., Finished in Fust-Claa8 atyle. Island Ordere so!icited and promptly attended to. Omei: Thomaa’ Block, King Straet, Hoaolola. H. L