Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 7 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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XTirth, Music, Minstrelsy, and fhe Ghampion's Minstrol And a Host of Volnnteers wlll appear in an Interesting Programme of Events. at the OLD ARMORY, Qneen St.. This Evening | w » Tn a Complimentary Benefit to Mr. JAMES PIGOOTT. PROOR AMME —PART I. 1. Oponin»* Chorus Messrs Husjhes, Smith, Davis. Britton, Barnes and Kussoll of the Champion Minstrels. 2. Three Rounds Sparring Contest Ellwood and Th )mpson. 3. Sailor’s Hompipe W - . Kussell 4. Single-stick Contest Filmer and Verrion. 5. S*.mg and Dance W. Duncalf. 6. Three Rounds Sparring Contest Johnson and Coulstock. Intermission of 10 Minutes—PART II. 7. Song and Dance M . Russell 8. Three Rounds Sparring Contest Langly and Sharkey. 9 Three Rounds Sparring Contest Duncalf and Willett. 10. Sand Dance Unknown. 11. Three Rounds Sparring Contest Ballard and Verrion. 12. Three Rounds Sparring Coatest Porter and Gurney. Music by the Champion Minstrels. Door Open at 7:30. Performance begin at 8 oeloek General Admission, 50 Cents. Reserved Seats, 75 Cts. ♦ Chas. T. Gulick -Will OPENMonday, February 12 AFi’LICATIONS admission sbould be made mmedi»tely, stating age and t>nding of applicant to I*i*incipal. ju29 Iw ITor Sale A PIECE OF YALUABLE Land situated on Nni.ann Lvenne, two miles from town, b - ow Mr. Coit Hobron’s plaee, ontaining 12 acres, partly G00D TAR0 LANO hont 150 feet, on Nanan’i Avenne L small bouse on it. all fenced. L good iuvestment. No reason,ble fig ’re refnsed. For f irtber »>rticalars, please apply to this •fiice. jan i8-2wd NOTARY public For tbe īslaud of Oahn. Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Labor Coutracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolulu, Oahu. Agent for tbe Haw’n Islands of Pitt & Scott’s Freigbt and Parcels Express. Agent for tbe Barlington Bonte. : Rsal Estate Bnler anil Genersl A^enl Bell Tel. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. qFF1CE: No. 38 MERCHANT Street, Honolulu, H. 1. plahonal Iron w. S. LUCE Qr £EN Street, Between Alakea & Ricbard Sts. THE UJ«nESSI«»SED are".prepAiwi to make rll kin«ls o( Irun Brnse, Br>nzo. Zinc. Tin and Lead C*stmgj*. Also • Gener»l Rep<ūr Shop for Steam Eaginea, Bice MilK Corn MUU, W*ter WheeU, Wind MilLs, eie. Maehine» lor the CWning of Coff?e, Custor OiU, Beami, Ra. .ie, Sis»L Pinenpple Leares <k other Fibroo* PianU, _Ami Pipa Stock AUo Machir.es for Extracting Sterch frunthe Manioo, Anuw Boot, etc. All Orders promptly atv*nde 1 to. JVrlITE, RITMAN 6i CO. «I DAYE8, RIOGEH : and ; STEVEDORE ESTIMATES asd COSTBACT8 ox ALL KXVDS oF WOBK. Wine and Spirit Merchant Oimphell Firt-proof Block, MERCHANT ST.. HONOLULU Long Branch BATHING Estabiishment. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI, wiD na regafatrij between th:s port *nd Waialua. Kawaikmi. Uokeha, Keawenoi l »ad Kaiki on Lhe mUq<ī o I Oaha For Frngbt, ele , appijr to the OnpUia. Witb|Wrgt »«-tf : Fon Strael. Tbis Firet-class Batking Resort has been enlarged and is now open to the puhlie. It is the best plaee on tbe isiands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay off. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Trameare pass ihe door every hall bour and on Satnrdays and Suudays every fifteen minutes. O. J. SHERWOOD Proprielor.