Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 6 February 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
i I Valentine day is comiug on. ( Konohi isstill beingcelebrated. j Not 80 mnny fire crackers as in | former years. , - ■ j Scots met last night and , “donalds" uere in it. ] j Mrs. H. N. Castle returned to , Honolulu *gain by the stoamer Chma. , - ( Lent on next \Vednesday, Feb. ( 7th. Be gvx>d girls or as good as you ean. ( I Don‘t forget the Ohampion , Minstrel show at the old Armory to-morrow. ] Has the Board of Educatioo | investig.«led the ineomea of j teuchers yet? I There are ouly sis cases of crimiual libel to be trud at this ( term of Court. Mr. C. K Bishop a fortner resideut of Honolulu arrived yesterday by the Chiua. The b«rkoutine Wilder, Capt. MeNeill beat the Piauter aud Amelia in the race to San Franeieeo. Mr. E. B. Friel left this afternoon for his home at W aikapu by the Cl«udine after a sbort stay in towu. President Dole aud Messrs. C. R. Bisbop aud W. F. Allendined together last uight at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. The Hawaiian Hotel enjoys the patronage of the last nnmber of gests who all eipress their satisfaction with tbe efforte of the well-known caterer Mr. Friem«n who has charge of the dining- ( The trial of Mr. J. Alfred 1 Magoon, a lawyer, oharged with aaaaull and battery on Mr. J. W. Luning eame o6T in ihe District Court this morning. The jodge reserved (?) bis deoision. Mr. Creighton for the aasaulted, and Mr. Kinney for ihe aasaulting, pasty.
The Misses Albn aod their man»frer left for tbe VoleanotbsB afternoon. They may give a concart in Hilo. The Castom Hoose people seemed to bave dropped their whiskey. At xvaier is the Utest addition to their schedule. Tbe Annexation meeting at Paia was attended by abont 100 Portngoese laborers onlered there bv H. P. Baldwin. The meeting shoold bave taken plaee in Wailukn, bnt there are no annex ationists tbere any longer so “President" Kalua had to be carted up to Paia. The following gentlemen are the ofhcers of the Oeeanie Steara«hip Company elected to serve fnr the year 1694: John D. Sprec els, Presideut; Captain Cbarles Goodall, Vice President; E. H. Sheldon, Secretarv; J. D. Spreckels Brothers. Treasnrers; Claas Spieckels. A. B. Spreckejs, A. L. Tubbs, A. C. Tnbbs and Charles L. Wbeeler, Direct rs. The statemeat said to bave been made by the Rev. Turabler at the Fort Street Church on Ust Sandav to the effect that Chinese New Year's interfered with their I Sunday School bosiness, was, to say the least a hint that the Hiwaiian heathen was not ‘in it with his Celestral brothers.