Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 6 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — STOLEN GOODS. [ARTICLE]
Thc Articlcs Locatcd. The laek r.f tnct poneraliy ex* by tho men who are ' mnniip this g<*vernment has h»rdly vet been bo well illns 1 trated ss by the of cert »i* ; |>roperty belongng to tl.e monnn-hieal g<-vernment as well j*8 “s» cure«l,’ (we will becharitable) fr«*m the personal property ; » f the Qr.e* n. Tl.at this aelion «*f Mr. Thurston anel his eonfreres in the govemment has c«nsed ! sev*-re, but deserve«l criticism : from the doceut j eople and j indep*-ndent j*res« in Cnlifornia | eaii b»; seen fr»*m the following e»lit<-ri»l wh eh appean» in the y>in Friinci“t:u Letter: * Vsudalism has a nmgnificent obj« ct leKs»*n in » corner of the H waiian v.llageat tlio Midwinter F.iir, wh**r« the stately emblems < f tho overtnrned inonarchy in th< lelani' ktngd<>m are exhibited «s a s.de sliO\v. A better exltibiti<*n •>( the i'«-c“<ibiir t»ste of the revdlntionists c »old n>>t ensily bo «!.>nceive»! A in<»nurchv istemporerily r» placed by a rej)ublic throngh a successful revclati<>n. The «ju<‘sti<>n of goverument is still nndeci»l« d, and the uatiou is dividcd ujion the issne. Kej>re sentatives < f the dominant party <juietly »bstract tlie throne, the crovn aml all of the royal fnrniture uj»on whieh they lay their liands, ship tt.eso articles to u foreign country, und show them to all the curions, at s<» inueh a |>eej». ls the Provisional Government gui!tless in tho nl«ttc•r , The hend aud front of tlm revolntionaiy nioveraent, the m in who planned. tlie campaigu nu 1 directed the overthrow ofthe gevernnient, is Lorr.ii A. Thnrs lon. For his services he received the j»ost «>f Hawaiian Mmister to Washington. He is turning an honest penny as a coucession nireat the M:dwinterFair,owniug a half intercst in tho Hawaii*»»* (. v ,'l»r..m.. ...<1 vniag«>. Throngh tli«- raedium of his alliee. members of t!ie Provisio»al Government. Thurston, the Goveruraent oōieial, gives to Thurstou, tlie showman. j>.«rt of the j>roj>ertv of lhis nation. The act receives nmall cons deration frora the fact that Timrst' n is hiiuself n native of the Hawaiian lslauds, aml inight be presnmed to have a str« ak <>f j>.-iti i«>tisni iuiogled with his »1esir«) for gain. Naturally the rovul ci>rios were abstracte«l 8*‘cretly. T>» fcave removed them openly wouhl have aroused a storm of indiguation. not «>nly on the p«rt of th« Rovalists, lmt also among uiany of the adherents of the pr«‘seut adniinistration. Wheu the ncws «>f tlns ra>«tter reaches llonolnlu. a t«‘iuj>«-st may be exj>*‘ctod whieh iuav make that town resemble the nery volcan«» «>f Kilunea whieh Tburston’s cycloraiua is ilesigne«l t<» illustrate” Ir seeius that t!ie ladies are getting inta politics—aud veiy mueh uito print. A«voiu»ixo to the politicn1 «thics of s«»ine Honolulu la*ly a uian sbould uot *f<i what he eonsi«lers con8cieutiously r ght if he thereby steps ou tho t«»es *>r iu torferes with the games **f per sons whos«» hoiue-m »de brea«l (!) aiul «lo. butter (!') his wife has accepted. 1t is p.iin(oI t» see in t’ie A’e»1 uri rccr that M i(liam‘s ColKge whieh is «ltscribe*l as the birth j»K*ce of Ameneaa raissions was built on inoney of whieh a • g«>o«lly sum was raised by iueans of a iottery ( !) sanctioned by tbe Logislature of ihe States. And yet they were the eKct i<ud eaud>dates for Ueaveo. It jri*ST have been a love!y | sight to seo TLurstou knockiog : at the door of the foreign atfair8 i comwittee iu tbe Seuate. and ask-1' iug to be a!lowed to prompt Mr. McCandiess. It is to be fe«red ; that the ex what wa« it j be was, wili get muddiod and ! coutradict some of Stevens and ; \ Thurston’s “trathfal” reports. I' J cix>£ Ooolei has written a ! , very iutereating article sgainat'«
the annex-»tion of Hawaii and whieh shows that soch a policy lias l>e«n ol»ject«?d to by ali tatescr,en s;uce the day of Wasbington and in wLieh he forther elaime that it is an ootn*ge tbat tbe attention and time (of Congress are being diverted | from tbe dom««tic affairs of the : greatest moment to the United States. and concentr te«l on the i far-off islai.ds whieh ongbt to give them no ccncern whatever. Mr. C. L. Carter ongbt now to answer aud correct Mr. Coolsy. Robd>sox C-;rsoE of tfce Btlletin has cacgbt «n to a “man Friday.”