Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 6 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PHORCEO PHORAGINC Successful Raids by Gcneral Scissom. Rai!nv»d elerk? in Germany are paid an aver>g<* of 52 c**nts a dnj. Chine?e so!diers eet #1 a month and have to board themse!res. Waiters in Tnrkry, if they hnve g<xxl plaeea, ean make$I7 a month. Bni!ders in L«>ndi>n r**ceive 25 shillings a week and w >rk fiflytwo. A Wemls<lrof, Penn.. fnctory in 1993 tnrned ont 10,000,000 cigars. The crops gmwn in the Cnited States in 189*2 were worth $3.000,000,000. It costs 4 raills per pound to transport Pork frora Chicago to Liverpool. It is estimated that tho nnnual salt prodnct of the werld is 7,300.000 tons. The losses by fire in this eountrv during the year 1893 araonnteii to $60,000 000. F:fteen miilion bushels of onions aae consumed annually in the United 8tates. Glasgow ship-builders receivo 16 sbilling a week and work fiftytwo honrs. Freight handlers on Prnssian raitroads make an average of 52 cents a day. In Strasburg ar * paid $415 per week of sixty hours; hod carriers, $3 21. The total weekly expenses of a German faraily of seven persous is generally $3 57. Nativo laborers in Palestine work for 15 cents a day and pay ali their own expenses. The aver:ige week!y w«ges paid to female laborers of all class«8 in Gerraany is $2 17. Woinen eoal carriers at the Lisbon <locks receive 30 ceuts a day; male eoal carriers 80 cenls. Wages in all departments of Iabor have steadily increa«ed since the beginuing of this eentury. There are 100.000,000 gnns. The world has 41 073 cannons. A umininni was discovered in 1827. Applea originatcd in the Hiui alayas. Horns were the first locomotive whistlea. An ineh of nin means 100 tons water to the acre. The rooro in whieh Napoleon 1 is n<>w » stable. Tbe G. A. P. w«8 organi*ed on Apnl 6, 1866. at Decatnr, III. Nobody*8 body is ever recovered that is drowned in Lake Geueva. It is said there is never an o<ld nnmber of r»ws ou an earof corn. Color»<lo Spr>ngs ooulaina the resideuces o( tweuty one uiillionuires. ' Tbe word c<ptun, so often nsed in ttie Bible, simply means ufficer. Caracas, the capital of Yeneznela, was fondded three centories ago. There are seventy milea of tunnels cut in the so!id cf Gibraltar. There was a 160,000,000 candlepower search iight at tbe WorW'8 Fair. Oeography as a aeienee whs introdnced into £urope by the Moors in 1240.