Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 6 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

XTirth, auel itiampions n And a Host of Volnnteers will appear in an Interesting Programme of Events, at the OLD ARMORY. Qneen St. Wednesday Evening, - February 7th, In a Complimentary Benefit to Mr. JAMES PIGOOTT. PROGRAMME —PART L 1. Openin<j Chorus Messrs Hughes, Suiith, Davi5 ? Britton, Barnes itnd Kussell of the Champ5on Minstrels. 2. Three Rounds Sparring Contest Ellwood and Thompson. 3. Sailor s Hompipe M . Kussell 4. Single-stick Contest Filmer and Verrion. 5. S<ong and Dance W. Duncalt. 6. Three Rounds Sparring Contest Johnson and Coulstock. Infermission of 10 Aliuutes—PART II. 7. Song and Dance W. Russell 8. Three Rounds S[iarring Contest Langlv and Sharkey. 9. Three Rounds Sparring Contest Duncalf and Willett. 10. Sand Dance Unknown. 11. Three Rounds Sparring Contest Ballard and Verrion. 12. Three Rounds Sparring Coatest Porter and Gurney. Music by the Champion Minstrels. Door Open at 7:30. Performancebegin at 8 oeloek General Admission, 50 Cents. Reserved Seats, 75 Cts.

Chas. T. Cxiilick i NOTARY public For the Island of Oahn. ( ( Agent to Take Acknowledgments 1 to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolulu, Oahu. • Agent for the Haw’n Islands of Pitt & Scott’s Fre ; ght and Parcels Exi>ress. Ageut for the Burlington Houte. Real Estate Br;ter and &eneral Agent Bell Tel. 348: Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. qFF1CE: No. 38 MERCHANT Street, Houolulu, H. I. I W. S. LUCE Wine and Spirit Merchant Cimphell Fire-proof Block, ( j MERCHAN T ST.. HONOLULL « Long Branch BATHING; Establishment. ThisFirst-class Bathmg Resort has been en!arged and U now open to ihe public. li is tbe best plaee on ihe islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay off. Special aeeomm<jdatioos for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door «very half bo>irand on Satnrdays and Sondays every fifteen minates. C. J. SH£RWOOD Proprietor.

Kamehamelia ♦ $chool —Will OPEK— Monday, February 12 APFLICATIOSS For admissinn should be made immedi.tely, stating age and st.nding of applicant to Principal. ja29 Iw For Sale Apiece of yaluable Land situated on Nm.anu ivenue, two miles from town, b - low Mr. Cnit Hobron’s plaee, cunta ning 12 acres, partly G00D TAR0 LANO abont 150 feet : on Nuuan'i Avenne A small house on it : all fēnced. A good investment. No re«sonable fig ire refused. For f.irther p<rticulars, please apply to this office. jan 18-2wd JlationaI 1poq Wop^ Qi*£KX Street, Between Alakea <fc Richard Sts. THE USnERSION*ED are*-prepared to make rU kir.ds of Iron Bnss, Broaze, Ziuc. Tm and Lead C«.sting«. Also a Geoenl Bep »ir Shop for Steam Eagiues, E.ee MilK Curn MJK W*ttr WheeU, \Vind MilK : Uachip«s tur the Cl«ning of Coff«e, O»stor OiK Beans. Kaoiie, Sisal, | Pmeappie Leaeea i uther Kibrous l*Unts, And P«per Scock Ako M*chines for Extnctisg St*rch frore i the Maoioe, Arrow Boot, etc. , '|T \!I (»rde« prompt!y «ttende<l to. I AfHITE, R1TMAN €i CO. «1 DiYE8, [UGGEB : axd : STEVEDORE E8TIMATES AXD COXTKACTS OX AT.T. kixds of wokk. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI. wiQ tna nga1arij betweea thi* port aad Wiieloa, Kiniky«i. Mokolm, Eeewenai •nd Koiki oa the ud*tui of (>*ha 'F«r Freight, ete . ejH>1y to the C«ptūn. Omoi : Fo». Street.