Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 6 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — DISCLOSED. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


A Haor’s Brains ITsed. * TVashington, D. C., Jan. 19 — ! Mr. Lorriu Thurston. tlie envoy of tbe provisional government of i Hawaii to this country, is expected to reach Washiugton to- ! ' morrow morning. There is sorae ; 1 curiosity as to how Mr. Thurston , will be received by onr govern- : ment. There are some hints | that he may be handed liis pass- ; ports after his arrival here aud invited to take his <leparture ' witbout mueu cereraony. This ; wonld be the proper thing to do, i in ail likelihooil, but members of the administration fear that tbat i might have tbe etfect of makiug : a beroic cliaracter out of Thurs-{ ton, and thus adding vastly to | his iraportance. Tliurston maHe a flying visit to llonolulu, his purpn?e being to carry in person some camp’*ign documents prepared f >r him here by Hoar, Chandler & Co M and approved by the Uepuhliean managera in Congress. Thurston haa been openly and notoriously trainmg with the Republicans, and just as openIy abusing the Democratic party in general and the administration in particulur. His eonduct here has beeu entirely uudiplomalie, ns he has thrown himself into the arms completely of a polilieal partyand doneeveryching poeaihle to assail the Amenean Government and its policy. The letter that was signed by | Dole iu answt*r to Mr. Willis was i the joint work of Senators Hoar, Chandler and Fry. It was taken by Thnrstou, Dole’s uame attached to it. and then promulgated as the reply of the Provisional Govermuent. This is well ki.own here as copies of it were preserved and were read | by a few people long before it l was given to the puhlie by the | i Hawaiian route. Thurston will begin to cavort 1 i around the real estate ringand his ; i chief interest in the auueialion euterprise is to enalile himself to : get an American title to the goods | and chattels and lands that he I has gohb!ed up from the Hawa- I ! iiau uatives, and that he fears ; may be taken away from him | I spme time or another by an bonest I representative Government back- ; ed by a raajority <>f tbe Hawaiian people who eome iuto power at ' Honolulu. Thurston will a!so begin to cavort around Repnblicans no doubt wheu he gets here and . to eng tge in new couspimcies i ag«inst the present Governmeut of the Lnited 1 States with Hoar, Chandier, Frye. Bouttele A Co. If his • pai'em are not handled to him | * promptly it will be bec*nse the j Adrainistrat:on is somewhat in ! | doubt as to Ihe propriety of 1 inoreasing his iiuj>ort.tnce by} makiug a martyr of hīm. Only for this reason will he be penuitted to remain here in any representative official capacity. The representative of any other otber nation in thīs coontry, acting as Tiinrston ha» acted, woold no doobt be shipped home wiihout ceremony.