Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 5 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — What is Gained? [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

What is Gained?

Tbe Prcvisional Governnjent faas been in pc»wer for a little mote tban a vear and tbe members of it ougbt by tbis time to be ready ar.d able to sbow wbat ' material advantages the couctnj and t!ie nation has derived frora tbe unpopolar revi»lution insti-tnt*-<l organized, and carried ont w:tb connivauce and aid of Amer iean inAuenee and f<»rees. L nd»-r tlie !awfol government of Hawaii tbe ]>eo[»le were pr spering and liapj»v even if the hard times wliieli was felt all over tbe world also bad reached Hawaii. There were,of cooi>e, political differenee ainong d tforent factions and parties. bnt they never were :tllowed to assume a cbaracter whieh c»>uld lead t»> t!ie estrange-

ment of acqnaintances, severing | of friendships. nnd b<»ycotting <»f husin> ss men. L’.fe was too short and too j>leasmt in Hawaii to ' permit the jieoj»le to t.<ke their 1 ittle political sq iabb!es too raucb i , tt,rieux. Hawaii was friendly t>» all powers an<l if uo distnrb;tnces had ariscn, the m<>st advantageous tr«<ties woukl bave boen sccured. In fact, Hawaii was i»s near being a Paradsse as any land ean into whieh the serj>eiit of “western civilization has entered. But what do we see now since Mr. Stevens and his co-consj»ira-t<irs have sncceeded in throwing the couutrv into tiie throes of revolution and disturbance? An unpopular government afraid and distrustful of the carpet-bagging orgiiuizations who dictate to it aud order it uround both on executive and legislative raatters. Military expeuditnres whieh swali low every cent whieh the taxpayers cast into the treasury at the cost of neglected j»ublic works ; and scandalons roads. A j»erfect stagnation in all busincss. A poverty nover equalled in Hawaii. A total closiug in of the moneyniarket even against gilt edged securitv. Ill-feeling hatred dis- > ! ‘ u trust, hostility aud vengeful feel- : imi-. ' Oj»en eniuity of tho L T nited States’ ' goveruraent and snubs and refusal of recognition for the Provisional Governnoent by tlie treatv 1 powers. And then last but nov least no prospects for a change ’ in tlie situ;it’.<<n, Only a gloomy ; fut ure with a contiuuation ot poverty, financial depression and coirniercial di>asters. And that is tlie resu!t <»f tlio Stevens-Dole ; revolution. We ask agaiu whut is g <ined?