Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 5 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
A d ve rt iso men ts J. KEMPNEH, pashicnable Tailcr GE.MLEMEN"S SD1TS tcd CLOTHING nr made tc crdek 1* * G<iXtd Variefy o/ Fine Clolh in Stocl. Cleaning ami Repairing Xeatly Done. Tenns Re3s*jnable. Give me a Tiiil. 107 KING STREET. Opocs ; te n ’ Honolulu *• I Hote!, » fel L. H. DEE" J0BBER OF Wines, Spirits, & Beers. H0TFIL ST., bet\veen Fort and Betbel s*reeU. Hoīiday Presents Tlie undersigned beg leave to eall tbe attention to n large «ssortrnent of tastefnl aud elegant Jewelrv, suit«ble for Cbnstm«s Presents. Hawaiian Flae: Pins ia d tfereut sizes. Hawaiian Jewelrv u sperialtv. If you w«nt to boy an elegant and j«t tlie same tirae an meipensive Cbristmas Present. eall arouud and inspect mv stock. TH0S. LIND SAY, Mcln*rny Hoek, Fort St.Hon«Iulu lieel tl Sans Souci Hūl'EL, WAIKIKI, UONOL0LU. ■3 . / rirst-C/ass Aeeommooations for : Tourists ane/ /sland Guests. )UP£Rt0R BāTHUHG FACIUTIĒS. Pnvaie Cottages for Fami/ieS . oet9 T. A. SIMPS0N. Umcer.