Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 5 February 1894 Edition 02 — What Is Gained? [ARTICLE]

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What Is Gained?

The Provisional Govtrnment bas been in p<>wer for a little raore tban a year and the members of it ought by tliis time to be ready and able to sbow wbat raaterial advantages the eounin" and tbe nation has derive»l fn>ra the unpopnlar rev<>lntion institatxl, crganized, and carried ont \\ ;tii connivance aml aid of Amer i iean inflner.ee and f>>rces. Under the lawfol government r>f Hawaii the j*eople were pr >sj)ering and 1 bap|)v even if Uie hard times whieh w,is felt all over tbe world ; also had reached Hawaii. There were, of conrse, polhieal differenee among <1 fferer:t facti«>ns aml parties. bnt tbey never were • iUowed to assnme a character whieh c<>ulil leml t>> the estrangernent of acqnaintances, severing of friendships, aud boycotting of bosin. ss men. L:fe was too short and too pleas nt in Hawaii to permit the peop!e to take tbeir little poliUeul sqiabbles too inueh ■iu tu : rieux. Hawaii was friendly t>> ali powers, an>l if uo distnrb«nces bad arisen, tbe most advant.«geo»s treaties wou!d have beeu secnre<l. In f »ct, Hawaii was as near being a Piiradi.se as any land ean into whieh tlie serj>ent of “western civilization has entered. But what do we see now since Mr. Stevens and his co-conspira-t<>rs have succeeded iu throwing the couutry into tbe tbroes <>£ revolution aud distnrbance? An unpopular government afraid and distrustful of tbe carpet-bngging orgnnizntions who dictate to it tind order it arouud both on executive and legislative matters. Militaiy expeuditures whieh swali low every cent whieh the taxpayers cast into the treasnry at the cost of neglected |>ublic works and scandalous roads. A perfect stagnation in all busincss. A poverty never equalled iu Hawaii. A tutal dosiug in of the moneyraarket even against gilt-edged security. Ill-feeling hatred distrnst, hostility aud vengeful feoliii£s. |MWiWui l, “TSfriions.' Open i emnity of the United Stntes’ govururaent and snubs aml refusal of ivcognition for the Provisional Govt‘rnment by tlie treatv j>owers. Aud then Iast but mn U‘!ist no prospects for a cbange ; m the sitnation, Only a gloomy ! future witli a contiuuation of poverty, Amiueiiil depression and eom-neieial disaste«. And that is the resu!t of tbo Steveus Dole revol«tion. M e ask ngain wbat is g <ined?