Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 5 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PHORCED PHORAGING Successful Raids by General Scissors. A tcamster in Peru make $12 a 1 A Pcr?ian eooa ean earn 13 22 a monlh. Akron, Ohio, has 3,0 0 idle. Florida has eoeoanul trees. Providence, R. I.. reports 12,000 idle. AIaska has enormoos eoal deposits. Pittsburg has creatcd work for 5,0lX). Colorado hns 3,000,000 acres irri- • gated. Leadville, Col., has 1,000 unem- ! ployed. Laborers get 90 cents a day iti London. London’s houses are worth #3,400,000.000. Detroit has 25.000 in enforced idleness. A weaver in Germany r«ceives60 cents a day. A native painter in Iudia eans 40 ceuts a day. A mule driver in Morocco earns 10 cents a day. A Mexican mason earns from 75 cents Ui II a day. A railroad c«»nductor in Turkey gets 127 a month. A boss mason in Ceylon ean earn 13 20 per week. Polieemen in Saxony receive |2GI a year ae salary. mand 40 cents a 3ay! “ ”" ‘ Mr ”- Farm laborers in Be!gium receive 46 cents a day. An engrav»r in Rio do Juneiro ean make 112 per week. Mnsic teachers in Hamburg are paid 21 cents an hour. A b!itCK8inith in Jerusalem ean make ll 92 per week. Shop-giris in Fn«noe receive un average oi 1100 a year. Eorope has women commt rcial travelers. The bigge»t Iocomotive weighs 1124 tons. All the gold incircu!*ti«i! weighs H65 tons. St- L >uis h is 100,<XK) idie. Colorado ciauns t»» have the largest hop raiich. Liverfx>*tl iinfM>rts L<0.0u0 000 ovsters annually. Austria has 1,8a>.0Ū<J sivit.g* ba- k dejM>silorā. Bamboo i> put to m> re us*-s ihan auy uther planl. Tiiere are 2.Xk)l-idy physiciai.s in tbe U'»ited States. Tbe w.»rld ? s annual prxluct of sugir is 6,000,<*X) t «ns. \Vheeiing gUs&blo«ers will establisb a c*Miper.iiive shop. Moulnal peoule pay 140 a yenr f r the use ••( a teiepbune. Bordeaux wine yi-id for a year h;>» beeu a» b gh »s l25lMXiO,000. Amsterdjco is ‘he center of the ; diamond-catting induslry. Xew Zealand sends whole cargoes „ of frozen muUoo to Engiand. A eamei owner and his beast iu Palesline are wortb 11 a day, In Mezico seamstre3ses are paid 37 ceot a day; weavers 50 eenU. Fig-pickers in Asia Minor, if akiill'ul, ean make 20 centa a day. • " — you don t t *ke the Holomua. you never see the news about the reHtorat»on of Queen Liliookaiaui from ubroad.