Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 5 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HWii holomu^, 18 PCBLISHED Every AJ’ternoon EXCKPT 8CXDAV BY TH£ Holomua FublisMng Co. At King St (Thomas block), Honolula, H 1. SU3S:an>TI0N. per Month, 50 Cts. The i* delivere<i by C*rri«*ni in Ihe tova an.l nat*nrbs. Smgle Copies (or S»le at tke New» Dealers and at tbe 0£5oe of putolicatioD. £DUUND NORR!E, - - Editor ABRAHAM FERNAHDĒZ, • Manager XOTICE. A.II Banne-vw CommuPicationii shonld be kil<ireH.se<1 to Ahmham Fermmdez, Uonoluln. H. I. Corre»pondence aud Commnnicatiomi for pahliealiou should be »ddn»sed to the Editor llawuii Holomna. "No noliee will be puid to any auonymou» eommuuiealiou». Business Cards A. P. PETEUSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office; 113 KaaLumann Stroet, Honolnlu Hawaiiau Island». - CHARLES CREIGHTON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offiee: 113 Koahumann Street, Honolnln Hawaiian I»laud». PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 314 Meroliant Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telephoue 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND OOUNSELLOB AT LAW. OlEee. Oid Capitol BniIdinR, (Honolnln Hale.i, adjomiug Po»t (_>ffi<-e, Honolulu. J. M. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY AT L-YW, 306 Merchaut St.. Oftice (Mutual) Tel. 180, Residouce 67. A. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. No. 1D Kaahumauu St.. Houoluln, Hawaiian Islands. JOHN LOTA KAl'LUKOU, ATTORXEY AT !JtW. Offioe, oorner Kiug & Bethel Sts. LEWIS J. LE’N'EI, Real Kstate and General Auctioneer. Comer Fort and Qnecn Streete, Honoluln Penoual aiteution given to Saies of Furniture, Keal £state, Stoek and Qenerm! Merchandt.se.