Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 5 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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P£RSONAL HOTES. Mr. S;*mnel Parker returue<l from San Frabcisco lhis znorning j on tbe CLioa. Mr. Parker look- j ed extremelr weli and waa in high spirits. He repoita *’everjtbing well” “we are io it.” Among tbe kamaainaa who | returned by the Cbina. we notice Mr. A P. Peterson, who went to I San Francisco u itb Mr. S Parker on private bnsiness, and Mr. W. C. A.sbford who looked ‘ boiled.‘’ | Tbe “poweHal” royalist lobby i dido't go to Washington—tbere was no need for tbeir presence there. Mr. C. R. Bisbop retarned to Honolulu this morning after a protracted absence. Mr. Bish -p will reraain for some time among ns.

CONDENSED NEWS. •I 9 ; a | S t i 9 ' t b n e ! t B 1 3 | 3 ; t 1 | f ' I 1 • t | r I ' i Admiral Eenham of the U. S. X. at Rio de Janeiro is reported U> have 8Jifelv carried tlu>se Amer:can ships ihrongh the border line of fire. It is also rei>ort>d that arbitration is d»sired by b *th of the belligerents A son killed bis fatber in a duel at Comptou, Cal. Tbe most important topic iu tbe House after tbe Taritf Bill, is Hawuii. It will eome up Friday, Feb. 2nd. GHAS. GIRDLER, Importer and Commissiou Merchant. SPECIALTTES: J. & P. C«ats’ Maehiue Thread Jonai Brocks’ Maehine Thread Barbonr’s Linen Thread Pears’ Soap P. O. Box 3Ō8. Mninal Telephone 356 13 Kaahnmann Street. ĒEMEWĪ glDEwJ \\J{$ AXD Qnqite duf[)ing Laid. Estiraates given on all kinds of $tone, Woi^ CoSCRETE A Sl*ECIALTY. JNO. F. BOWLER. jan!7 3m — j C.T. A.KA.jSTA. li]6i , c|aqt īailoi 1 ! 324 Nuuanu Street Ali Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in tbe Latest Style. Clotbes Cleaned and Repaiied. no!7 LEWIS 4 C0 Whoiesale and Retail Grocers A-\D # PR0V1SI0X DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 84LM0N ONICE By Every Sau Enuieiaeu S>amer. Salt Salmox ix Barkels a Specialty. m Fort Sf. t Honc!u!u. Tel. 240. P. O. Box 297. WO CHAN & Co. M!erchant Tailor lKing street, Thomas’ Blook, next door to Holomua office. All Suits Guaranteed to Fit, and IN THE LATEST STYLK Clotbes Cleaned and Bep«ired. no87