Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 5 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THE FIGHT. — John L. Sulltvan Receivcs Tele- ' graphic Bulletins on the Corbett-Mitchell Fight And Makes Expert Comments. — — TELEGRAM. First Rr»und—0>rbett 1»k! with his left nn Mitchei!'e ehin; th“y ‘elinehe*!, exchangf-d b-»dy hlowa and Corbett reached Milehell’e Ieft eye« hearily. Mitcheil re»ched the ribe; another exchanee and Mitchell clincb«d. Mitch*ll is on C"»rbetl’g neek. C‘»rbett Ianded right and left Jnet a- time wae ealled Milehell land*-d a g<x>d b -dy hlnw; Honors wtre ea»}* in the Srst round. SriXIVAN. Round 1—As f»r as hitt ng is concerned C »rbett cleHrIy hae the 6ret of it at Ihe open : ng, as he getg m four gond hlnwa to Mitchell’s three. Il is evidently Mitchell’g intcntion to make as long a 6ghl as possib!e. His clinching sh*-ws that. But by the way C<>rbett starts in it looka t* me as though the 6ght would not last lorg. C‘>r bett seems to be a winner. From wh«t I kuow of the men I don’t see h<*w he ean fail. TELEGRAM. Second Round—A wilel ex cbange and a elineh. Corbett upj>ercut his man as they eame together. Mitchell Ianded hard on the nbs. and as Mitcbeli eame in Corbett caught him on the head, staggering him. Corbett uppercut Mitchell again and landed with hisrighton MitcheH’s ribs. MitcheII reached Corbett’s ehin. A sharp rally folIowed, with Corhett having the best of it. Mitchell got in twice on Corbett's neek. Corbett knocked Miiohell down twice. Corbett 6oored his man cleanly, knocking him down ngain as he essayed to rise. The gong saved Mitchell. SCLl.IVAN.
Secoml Konml —Corbett seems to be huving things his own way. ’ Fighting liko this means short work, and Jim ought to win i quickly. Mitchell wili be knockod oot iu four rounds at this rate. Corbett’s favorite tactics seem to bo to aim for the head and vary it with a body blow. That : s the way ho fought me. He struck for my head, and about every third b!ow wonld lead with bi* left Tor iuy stomacb. His bb»w on Michell’s hend raay not be painfnl. If it landed ou top it did not hurt any. Corbett is g»ing right in to fiuish the £uglishman up quick. TELEOUAM. Third Kound —Mitchell was rather groggy. Curbeit ruahed at him, hitting right and Ieft heavily o i Mitchell’a n*ck. Milehell went dowa. Mitchell elineh C<»rbett threw him ufl' and lloor*-d him with a stiff facer. Ag:iin he took all the time t» rise. aad wlien he advanced toward Corb* tt the iatter ewung bis rigbt w th dead<y fcrce. Mileheil reeled aud ft-ll on hifi face, helpieaa. Mitchell was kn*>cked out. The refi*ree declared C<>rbetl the winner of the match and ehampion *«f the w.srld. Mitchell’e f.»ce was c*«vered with hkKHl. The time of the fight was niue mimites. 80LLIVAX. Third Round—S<> it’e a eleai kn-rk:>ut. I guees Corl»ett knew he had Milehell in his power fr.«iu the very fin*t, His mde of fightiug ehowe that. I thoughl at the beginning that Corbr-tt was n<«t afraid »nd wenl r ghl at his man U) do hitu up. It he hadn’t d<»ne that Milehell would havc br>»nght some of his fiue t»clic8 aud d«»dg-s to w.-rk that wouid h*ve pruioiig>-d the fight ualil Curbett nnght heeome exhausted, bnt after the rirst round Chsriie h:«d no sh<»w at all for any of his fiue w«»rk 1 eau see how it was done.
REPRESENTED AGAIN The “New York Herald s” New Correspondent to Hawaii. Leigb Irrine, special corres* poadent of the h'xaminrr tod»y receired «n «utograph letter fro«n James Gordon Bennetappointing him apeeial corxeej>ondent of the •'New York Herald,“ Mr. He«ret wrote Mr. Inrine aatborizing the «oceptance and ordering him to remain iudefinitelj ln Honolula.