Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 3 February 1894 — Admiral Irwin's Report. [ARTICLE]

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Admiral Irwin's Report.

Honoluln J«n. 2. S-r:—I have tbe honcr to snbmit the following repon since thedepartnre of tbe Corwin on the 24th nlt. Military prppar«ti’ns for the i defense continne to be m«de bv the Prov5sionaI Gcvemment and 1 tbe excitement exLsts. The news pajr<e*rs > sr*me) nssmne that I as the militaiy representvtive of the U. S. intend to use force to restore the Qn°en. At the same time they qnote me as saving that I wonhl n r *t obev anv ( orders whieh I considered j nnlawfnl; also thr»t the ofticers and men nnder mv comraand have i assnmed the same attitnde. These sensational rep<*rts are intend- i ed to inlluenee pnblic I opinion in the United States } and are without fonndation | * * * * were it not for the conrse of tbe newspapers in their endeavor to infl»ience public oj>inion' in the United States no uneasiness wonld be felt and business Wonkl go on as nanal. John InwiN. Admiral U. S. N. To Hon. Herbert, Secv. U. S. Navv. Washington, J*m. 20.—Stevens has testified before ths Seuate i Comroittee. He ndmitted that he.had been au advocnte of annex<ition.